10 Septiembre 2009
I’ve been sick for the past couple days, so I haven’t written many posts lately. Some kind of muscle soreness with chills and a fever. A day of bedrest and fluids seems to have done the trick.
The theme for the Chiryacu Market was countries of the world. Annie led a game where they pretended to fly to different cities all over the world on Tuesday. They made paper mache globes on Wednesday. Very messy, but loads of fun. Today they painted them, and had time for frisbee after. Tomorrow they plan to have a day of sports outside near the park.
The theme for the Camal Market this week is the 5 senses. We did eyes on Monday, blindfolding the kids and playing a game of “Hot and Cold” with sticks, tupperware, and bananas. That was lots of fun. Tuesday we did ears, making animal sounds and some other things. The kids were a little rowdy that day. Yesterday we did taste, feeding the kids (with blindfolds again) different fruits and other foods and having them identify the flavor and food. That went really well, both kids and volunteers loved that activity. Today I didn’t go because of the sickness, but we were supposed to do hand prints and finger painting for touch. I’ll hear how well or not well that went tomorrow.
– AL
on monday we went to the supermercado santa maria where they have cheaper groceries and we bought a lot. i went running in the parque ichimbia which is very near our hostal and has some beautiful views of the city. i hope to run there again tomorrow. that is where quitofest is this weekend where they have live music of reggaeton, salsa and rock each of the three days coming up. on wednesday after CENIT i stayed and watched the futbol game with the group there. ecuador v. bolivia and it was quite a game. they had so many snacks they were passing around of chips, cookies, and ecaudor won which was a really big deal because now we advance in the playoffs. after the game the ladies from the kitchen had for us hot chocolate with empanadas de queso and i was stuffed but i had to try some of each because it looked so good. we have been making submarinos which is hot milk with melted chocolate bar. later wednesday night we had friends over for dinner, a german couple Lisa and Tomas. i work with Lisa in Chiriyachu at CENIT. i made sopa de verduras (vegetable soup) maduros con queso (platano with cheese) and arroz con leche which is sort of like rice pudding. they brought a fruit salad and wine. it was interesting talking with them although we had to talk in english because tomas does not speak spanish very well. today we went to the biking dutchman to talk to them about booking a tour of cotopaxi which is a volcano about 2 hrs south of quito and they have room for the day trip on saturday so we are going. we also went to the bank because soon we will move out of our current hostal into another one nearby and we have to pay our bill. the tour on saturday is the one we won at pub quiz last week, but it is only for one person so we are paying for the other. it leaves saturday morning at 7am so tomorrow night will be an early one.
i have uploaded more photos onto picasa and here is the link:
buenas noches!
Tags: Quito
Sorry this is so late to respond to these blog entries. Those children are so cute!!!!! God will bless the two of you for what you are doing. It’s such a good witness! I’ll be praying for you both. Know that I love and miss the two of you so much. It sounds like you’re having a great time!