have you been “chimmed”?
Where else would you find this sign?
NO DONG-CHIM (roughly translated, “No poop needle”)
One of the fellow GETs was telling about the first time he was the unsuspecting recipient of a favorite practical joke of the school-aged boys. Dong-chim is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert sharply into someone’s anal region when the victim is not looking (i.e., bending over to tie one’s shoe, at a drinking fountain, and (unfortunately) even at the urinal.) Ish!!
The kids find it to be infinitely amusing ~ there are actually statues erected to illustrate the activity and internet games dedicated to the art ~ http://www.mikewang.org/dongchim.htm (hey, I get this stuff from the kids ~ I feel some obligation to share …)
Trust me, I have not been “chimmed” ~ and the kid who attempts a dong-chim will likely realize that he has made a dreadful error …
Tags: 1
April 10th, 2009 at 11:23 am
How very fun — thanks for sharing! A different thing to do, I admit.