Teacher Nancy’s classroom
Thursday, April 30th, 2009I laughed out loud when one of my co-teachers told me that her students ask her, “When can we be in Teacher Nancy’s class again?”
Let’s face it ~ they aren’t fascinated by my stellar presentations of “conversational English”. They look forward to the “baton-free” atmosphere, which means “nap time” for some of them, and personal interaction time for others. It irritates the co-teachers that I make it a point to talk to every single student in the class. They tell me that I am wasting time ~ I should be “teaching them”, not talking to them …
Isn’t that the whole point? The students have to talk to me in English ~ that’s why we call it “English Conversation” session … Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 co-teachers respond to the students in Korean without a corresponding translation back->to->English, which adds nothing to the “conversational” aspect of the class … but I keep talking to them in English anyway, and accept any sort of response they offer in English, which is sometimes pretty … um, interesting.
Anyway, I was pretty amused by the co-teacher’s comment that the kids look forward to “Teacher Nancy’s” class … I don’t doubt it.