I hate typos…
Friday, May 9th, 2008…and now that I’ve actually read my blog, I realized that I’ve included quite a few. I’ll try to rush a little less with these entries!
Today it rained and rained and rained and then rained a bit – no, a LOT – more. It’s pretty incredible, really. The most incredible thing is that 90% of the population drives scooters, and they continue to do so in torrential rain while continuing to carry entire families, ladders, umbrellas (ANYTHING) along with them. I shy away from my scooter in even a drizzle, rain can be painful when you’re moving over 20mph!
Along with the rain comes muddy, river-esque roads, extremely lush flora, hoardes of mosquitoes and a quiet Friday night shut indoors. Being shut indoors, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are shielded from the great outdoors!
The showers in our place consist of a shower head on the wall with a small drain in the corner of the bathroom. Basically, the entire bathroom floor functions as the ‘bathtub’ and once you are done, you squeegee (?) as much water as you can down the drain. The rest of the water simply has to evaporate, which is sped up due to the windows that don’t close. Each window consists of two sheets of glass with about a four inch gap in between them. This lets in a great variety of creatures and teaches you to leave any open boxes of food IN THE FRIDGE.
Anyways, about an hour ago we discovered a black and white lizard the size of a cat sneaking it’s way in between the panels of glass, looking for refuge from the storm. My housemate Raina’s scream was enough to help him change his mind before he’d gotten too far in, and we’re hoping that it was enough to scare him off for good! With that said, there is a gecko living in my bedroom that I’m perfectly fine with, as he takes care of any mosquitoes or other insects that find their way inside.
Tomorrow’s package deal won’t happen since too many people backed out due to rain, but a few of us are going to walk down to the harbor and find someone to take us out to Ko Phi Phi for the day, bypassing all of that unnecessary buffet lunch and whatnot. It should be far less expensive and much better (in my book, at least) than being shuttled around all day. I’m not worried about the rain, we’re getting wet either way!
Hopefully I’ll have some good photos (again, weather-permitting… the camera may not come along) tomorrow, but for now I have a $3 bottle of Thai brandy to get to…