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Be VERY afraid!

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

It’s no secret that American news media relies on sensationalism and the fear element – if it isn’t dangerous, threatening and imminent, it isn’t interesting. Even if you are aware of it, however, as an American it is so easy to fall into the trap and have an endless stream of  “what ifs” and “oh nos” running through your mind, making life in general seem so worrisome and so difficult.

Each day, news headlines from home look more and more ridiculous and absurd. This morning, for example, I opened my laptop, went to to check my email and was immediately faced with the all-important question “SHOULD YOU FEAR TOMATOES??”

The answer in the article was, naturally, that YES I should fear tomatoes! I should be more worried about tomatoes than anything else, at least until the next catastrophe! I was then conveniently presented with another slew of articles on which tomatoes are dangerous (all of them), why I should stop buying tomatoes (it could kill me!) and what it will do to the farmers once I stop buying them (total industry collapse!). They proved it to me with a headline about a man who DIED from eating salmonella-tainted pico de gallo! Never mind that, in the last sentence, the writer mentioned that the man “also” had cancer, a disease that was found to be the actual cause of death.

These articles led me to more articles about more dangerous foods, other industries that are in TOTAL CRISES, and how I really shouldn’t ever trust anything that I put into my mouth. I SHOULD, however, support the FDA getting a few extra million dollars for new “safety” programs that will save America from the brink of nutritional destruction!

Anyways, the tomato question caused me to immediately burst out laughing as I thought about the utterly “unsanitary” food storage, preparation and serving techniques here in Thailand. No one is fearing food here, they are just enjoying it. There are no regulations or rules or ominous headlines (and I do read the Bangkok Post) – if there were, people would go right on eating.

I can (and will) go on about the topic in much more depth, but I really had to comment on the tomatoes! There is so much more material wealth and comfort in the U.S than there is here – remember, entire families live in the same type of room that I’m living in, and it’s pretty standard. That fact is amazing to me, but what’s more amazing is how many more smiles I see here…

New photos are up!

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

There a lot of Ayutthaya, elephants, the new place and, at my mom’s request, the bathroom. I’m working on documenting a bit of this crazy neighborhood this week, so stay tuned…

Jackpot – literally!

Monday, June 9th, 2008
I just found the place where I'll probably eat dinner every single night for the next four months! It's a huge, seemingly endless 'point-place' - a point-place is what we've been calling any eatery with pans/pots of freshly prepared food, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Um, students? I go now.

Monday, June 9th, 2008
So, teaching… I am just beginning the second week, and it is quite an experience! My work environment is great, I certainly lucked out in that regard. My direct boss is Aron, a guy from New Orleans who has been in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Where did the trees go?

Thursday, June 5th, 2008
Tomorrow is Friday and I am absolutely shocked that it’s hasn’t even been a week since I left Phuket! It’s been a full few days, and I’ll try not to ramble on too much (though in typical Allison fashion, I ... [Continue reading this entry]

Not in Kansas anymore!

Monday, June 2nd, 2008
I have officially arrived in Thailand. I knew that Phuket was touristy, but had absolutely no idea how much so until I arrived in the Bangsue neighborhood of Bangkok on Saturday morning, my 'home' for the next four months. Myself and ... [Continue reading this entry]

When in Rome…

Thursday, May 29th, 2008
dscn0092.JPG…do as the Romans do. When in Thailand, don’t necessarily do all of the things that the Thais do. Especially when it comes to driving! I finally broke down and rented a scooter on Monday ... [Continue reading this entry]

Teacher? I go now.

Saturday, May 24th, 2008
I haven’t written much about class and/or teaching, but that’s because there wasn’t a whole lot to tell in the beginning. We just completed our final week of training (I cannot believe how time flies!) which consisted entirely of “TP,” ... [Continue reading this entry]

So about this going-to-Bangkok thing…

Monday, May 19th, 2008
dscn0033.JPGdscn0146_1.JPGdscn0188_1.JPGdscn0128_1.JPG ...It's going to be tough to do. I’ve fallen behind with my posting, but for good reason! Last week was uneventful ... [Continue reading this entry]

Death by coconut!

Monday, May 12th, 2008
dscn0090.JPGdscn0091.JPGdscn0110.JPGimgp0043.JPGimgp0041.JPG Seriously, it's a real concern here...those things fall out of the trees like bombs, and ... [Continue reading this entry]