Inanitah: Inspired by the stars
5 Apr
The stars poke holes in the blackest night sky. Ideas about self-empowerment, beauty in the breakdown, and dancing mercilessly into the void shine through. The stars appear united from behind. One cohesive blinding light. Justice, love, truth manifested. They poke holes in our being, our utter blackness, our own singular point, our void.
The night sky would hold no importance to me, no beautiful poetic narrative, if it weren’t for the stars. These pieces of truth that manage to squeeze their way through pin-sized holes in the great abyss. Moments like these, these points of clarity, are what makes ‘it all’ worth it.
The dark includes the twinkling stars, full of possibility. Inseperable. ONE. Dualism is a way to reflect this universal truth into our earthly paradigm. We often take the unknowable apart, and simplify the bits to fit our cultural commonalities. Although divided, the story is reunited in daily acts. Reunited in our full collective unconscious. Memory soup.
Gazing up at the night sky on this very evening has allowed me a moment’s glimpse of the ‘one hearted way.’ I am inspired to more fully understand, to know it in my bones, to sow my seeds in it, to breath it, and become a living representation of it.
Actually, we probably already have. We probably already are.
this is sooo cool