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Why why why?!

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

I can’t decide who the real idiot it – my class of “5” year olds or me?!

They run around blowing boogers out of their noses without tissues but I almost talked my way OUT of a job.  And all because I wanted to prove a point about honesty and principles, things that were instilled in me as a child.  So if you see me in town, don’t be surprised.  Be a doll and invite me in for some milk and cookies. (PS I don’t think any Korean kid has milk and cookies. In fact I don’t think there’s ANY baking going on outside of Paris Baguette.)

John didn’t seem to appreciate my comment and thought me rather ungrateful.  Basically the school wanted to get away without paying us our overtime.  Yesterday I mentioned that I sent out an email to John and CC’ed Andrea and Justine.  Andrea, upon seeing the email today, took the opportunity to talk to John about it in front of Ellie so he settled for paying us each 100,000 Won.  (We had worked a Saturday.)  I should have been satisfied but I wanted to prove my point.  So when I saw John later I insisted on asking him why he promised one thing and did another.  I told him it wasn’t about the money but for him to be honest and up front in the future. 

APPARENTLY you DON’T say what I said to someone in his position.  Oooppsies.  And in Korea overtime ISN’T time and a half.  So 100,000 was almost the right amount.  Sometimes you really do have to pick your battles.  Lesson learned.  Fought for salary  – GOOD.  Fought about stupid overtime – BAD.   

(Just to clarify – Mooooooooooom – everything is FINE!!!!)

Moving on, only 6 teaching days left in until Christmas vacation!!!  I CANNOT wait!!  Whoo hoo!!  Of course I’m counting.  I celebrate it ever morning when we do the calendar with the kids.  “And six days till Christmas and no school no school no school…) I say as I point to all the days with NO SCHOOL!!!  We’re all on the same delighted page.  

I’m quite content right now… the computer guy just came.  It turns out that something was wrong with Windows and it had to be reinstalled.  Luckily there were no other problems and it was just 30,000 Won.  He had my computer over night and was nice enough to back up my work (aka pictures, etc).  Just having the computer working seems to fill the apt.  It’s this wonderful device that allows me to communicate with the world or watch movies that remind me of home. 

I’ve sent out a ton of Christmas cards and still have some to go… so check your mailboxes and if you didn’t get one…. I know that you’ll get something in the mail eventually!  I feel like Santa Claus the day the elves walked out. 

Currently trying to teach the kids “Jingle Bells”.  I’ve been drawing and using pictures.  The lesson goes something like this:

“Why isn’t Santa in the sleigh?”  “Because no one is sitting in it.”

 “Eeets a sled.”   “No, IT’S an open sleigh.”

“Danny hit me.”  “No hitting.”

“Draw a house.”  “There is no house in Jingle Bells.”

“JJ speaky Korean.”  “No Korean.”

“Teacher – why no many horses?”  “Because it’s a ONE horse open sleigh.”

“Can I go to the bathroom?”


Monday, December 15th, 2008

I was quite taken aback by the most recent Korean custom I’ve stumbled upon.  Or rather that lay typed upon my desk this past Friday.  Unfortunately the owner of the school’s brother had passed away.  The girl Umi who works with us is also his niece.  So quite the sad event for them.  However, the note breezed through this mention and got straight to the point.  30,000 Won was to be handed in by 5 pm that afternoon.  WOAH.  What?  While I did give the money, I felt that it was more like a bill, something that wasn’t a voluntary show of sympathy but a DEMAND.  Apparently this is customary in Korea.  And while none of the foreigners did, every member of the company regardless if you knew the deceased or not, attended the funeral which was held at the hospital.  I don’t think there’s a coffin – not sure.  Everyone goes into one room and bows to the family and then proceeds to the restaurant (also in the hosptial) to eat together.  It would not be acceptable for a Korean not to attend. 

Speaking of 30,000 Won, well I paid that last week to get my computer fixed because it wouldn’t turn on. It worked for a couple days and then stopped so today the computer guy showed up an hour and a half late and charged me another 30,000 Won.  Actually this time I didn’t pay because I insisted that he fix what was actually wrong rather than just continue coming back and charging me till something went right.  So different out here. 

I had mentioned in my previous blog that people can be rather maniuplative.  I can’t even really get into this one too much because it is so obvious waht is wrong that I’ll get furious.  haha.  WHen we had our special teacher training (that is NOT yet being implemented and this is quite against the franchise but… it’s Korea…) we were asked if we would consider working a weekend.  We were told we’d be paid for a regular work day PLUS overtime.  I made sure that I asked this TWICE infront of everyone.  Well our paycheck came and went with not a Won towards that day, a Saturday mind you.  Justine had spoken to John about it (he’s the guy who got me out here… the business side guy) and he said that we should take into consideration that they had to pay a lot for us to do the training and that some schools don’t even pay.  That’s all good and well but A DEAL IS A DEAL.  WTF??!!  Justine doesn’t think we’ll get our money because John told her he thought it was simply her issue.  Well I wrote an email to John politely asking when we were getting our overtime and CC’ed Justine and Andrea.  Let’s see him try to weasle himself outta that one.  Arrrggg…. this country can be so frustrating!  But like I said I can’t get too into it. 

Speaking of Natasha (who hates how Americans pronounce her name – it should be Ni-tasha), she had been working 2 hours a day and her employer then tried to claim it was but an hour and a half.  I told her, Natasha, you have to be FIRM.  ALWAYS FIRM WITH THESE PEOPLE.  The crap they try to pull is so low.  However if you can be strong, living here is pretty good otherwise.   Natasha actually started to doubt herself that she wasn’t told 2 hours.  I had to point out to her, Natasha you kept a time sheet.  They are just trying to pull one over on you.  I can’t believe that is so common out here!!! 

Ok well I should fess up.  I finally had the holiday cry… and before the holiday too!  Justine, Andrea and I were having dinner Friday night when Andrea mentioned to me that she was going home for Christmas afterall.  I’m not sure what exactly came over me but I was SO HAPPY FOR HER that I just started crying a bit.  I’m like, “You’re going to AMERICA???!!!!!! ” as if I were some poor farmer longing to get to Ellis Island to start a new life.  I remember thinking she is my link to HOME – to my family – to everything I know.  I couldn’t imagine going home… WOW.  That lasted a couple minutes and then we all had a good laugh over it.  And that’s how I realized Christmas was finally coming.  To Andrea and Justine, first off – shut up! – and secondly… I’m so glad you guys are here with me and I hope we all have wonderful vacations in the US, China and Thailand.  Mwah! 

The word of the day is “hectic”.  Hectic is a word that I don’t use too much – maybe the traffic was hectic.  South Africans tend to use it quite often.  “That party was hectic or the weather was hectic.”  Well it was quite the hectic scene at the post office this evening… and yesterday…. and the other couple times I’ve been there.  I’m mailing mini packages to everyone and their mom.  Yes, Jesse, your mom is getting something! haha.  And so is yours Mikey, if you EVER get me her address!  The post office staff know me by sight – that blonde haired girl always scrambling to shove things into envelopes and boxes.  Mind you these are just little trinkets but the shipping does add up.  At one point a woman asked me how much money I was making.  It’s not like I was buying everyone dimond studded everything!  (If you do get an envelope from me, please let me know!!) 

three months, one week and 4 days…

Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
I don't think I can put off writing any longer.  And I'm not gonna stress over getting in every detail of the past few weeks lest dear diary syndrome set in.  Deary Diary Syndrome is a condition that occurs when ... [Continue reading this entry]

Why so serious?

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
 NJ in the fall.  Soccer. Football games.  Hooded sweatshirts and hot cocoa.  Thanksgiving.  NYC. Friends.  Family.  Stupid stories.  Crazy adventures.  Laughter.  Heart-to-hearts.  Your voices.   The face-to-face.  The rapport.  Most of us are held together only by this blog.  That's not enough for me but ... [Continue reading this entry]