BootsnAll Travel Network

Dear Aimee Teacher

“Dear Aimee Teacher

We would like to thank you for all you have done through the last school terms.

We as mothers naturally had some anxiety concerns before sending our kids to Helen Doron, an English speaking environment which was new to them.  But to our great relief and satisfaction, our children enjoyed every activity of school and stayed happy and healthy throughout the year.  We were thrilled to see our kids not only speaking better English but also growing up so desirably in other developmental areas.  We are truly grateful to you. 

You have shown love from your heart toward each and every child.  We will especially remember the special, heart-felt message of love expressed in cute little things you made for each child on special occasions like Halloween or when you were away in America.   We are sure the children also felt your love and will cherish it.  We hope that you also had a terrific and memorable time while teaching in Helen Doron and living in Korea.  We hope you have lots of beautiful memories and exerpeince in Korea to take home.

We wish all the best for your new life back in America. 
We will miss you very much.

Lots of Love and blessings,

Mother and children of Dover & Birmingham.”


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