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Archive for January, 2009

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On the way to a waterfall…

Sunday, January 4th, 2009


I feel extremely guilty because I’ve been home since yesterday at 7:45 am and have not blogged.  It’s Sunday evening and I’m pretty beat.   Just got back from the movies.  If “The Day The Earth Stood Still” is on yer list, I’d certainly skip to the next one though I always find it funny to watch Keanu Reeves speak in monotone dialogue.  No – I’m being serious.  It’s quite funny. 

My stomach has been uneasy all week and I’d love to just curl up in bed but blog I must before the details float away.

So please join me and we’ll all go back to Koh Samui.  Trust me – you’ll love it there!


On my way back I made sure to get my cds from the Kodak guy who told me that my camera was making the pictures too big for some computers to handle.  And I guess it’s nice that I know how to use that feature now (my camera was an early bday present from my parents when I left for Korea). 


When I finally got back to our bungalow (remember I had gone out running and then went to the PC place where I wrote you last…) Mike and Melissa were swimming in the ocean.  I ran inside to put on my bathing suit and jumped into the water right away since they were coming toward me and would have pulled me in anyways.  The water was beautiful and I had a nice swim.  It didn’t last long as we were hungry.  On our way back to the bungalow (aka walking on the beach and then like 10 seconds on a path) we had some fun with coconuts. 


We found a little restaurant in town in the direction I had explored earlier that morning.  We ordered fruit slushies which were really cheap (like $1 or something) but tasted a bit watery.  Ok very watery. 

I ordered green curry and Melissa taught me how to eat it.  Basically you scoop some curry out of the bowl onto the rice and mix it in.  Then you push the food onto the spoon with your fork and eat off the spoon.  Apparently that’s the method in Thailand though I don’t think they do that with noodles.  Too impossible.  I even watiched a guy to make sure.  But that’s neither here nor there. 


After lunch we caught a bigger version of a tuktuk but since I can’t remember it let’s just call it a Tuktuk with a captial T. 


We didn’t bother to go home and change because that would just be more time and we’d be ok with swimming in the water fallwith our unmentionalbles on.  Oh yes… waterfall.  We had decided to go to a waterfall.  It happened to be on the opposite side of the island so it didn’t really matter which way we went around. 


To make a long story short we had an inefficient driver and never actually made it to the waterfall.  We were close but we would have had to get another ride and as it was getting late there was no guaratee the waterfall was still open (well waterfalls don’t close but you know what i mean…) or that we’d find a cab back.  I was thinking… well we’re driven for over an hour… why stop now?  Yet I also was happy to just get out of the Tuktuk.  I was a little bummed we had spent a potential beach day just traveling. 




While the ride itself was rather long, we met quite a few interesting people.  Luckily for them they would get on, chat with us,  and then GET OFF at their stop while we just kept get going like gypsies. 





For the most part I would start up a converstation with someone asking where they’re from and then just zone out letting Melissa and Mike do all the talking.  Part of the reason for this was my stomach.  Probably not accustomed to the food or to all it’s fattiness, my tummy was a little merky.  You all know the “waves” I’m talking about.  When they got too powerful I just clung to the metal bar nearby and told myself, you’re gonna get to this damn waterfall Aimee.  You’re not getting off this Tuktuk until you do.  (Wish I had known we wouldn’t be going to the waterfall as I could have avoided that anguish. haha.) 


When the driver pulled in to a gas station I jumped off the Tuktuk and dashed to the restroom where I stood on line for at least 10 minutes.  As I’m waiting for my turn I realize, this whole Tuktuk is gonna be waiting on me and they’ll all know I had to do a number…like…five! I remember thinking I’m gonna kill Melissa for not coming with me.  If there were two of us it wouldn’t have been nearly as embarassing.  They might even think we were chatting in there. 


Anyhoo… when it came time for the TP I noticed that there wasn’t any. I immediately recalled the story Melissa had just told me about her mother, an avid biker, who once had to wipe herself with a $10 bill and I quickly reached for the newspaper on the wall.  I know that sounds extreme but as I began to rip off a piece I realized that there was a very good chance it WAS the toilet paper.  I mean it had a hole punched in it so it could hang from a ribbon.  Besides it was from September so you know no one’s interested in reading it.  Old news. 





Once we arrived at (I forget the name of the beach area) we contemplated going to see “grandmother and grandfather rock” but settled for chillin’ on the nearby beach with a couple of dogs.  (No, I’m not talking hairy women. Haha.) 



Dogs, or canines to be clear,  are everywhere.  I think one of the two had a collar but my memory fails me at the moment. I called “mine” Jersey and the one that was sitting with Mike I named Captain KoJack.  Well he had started out as KoJack (I have no logical explanation for this) but since he only had one eye captain was more fitting. 

It was quite nice actually.  Good conversation and good company.  We discussed the book “The Darwin Files” and Melissa ended up trying to bury one of the dogs in the sand.   When it got dark we launched one of these big balloon things that they sell on the beach.  You light the fire on the inside and eventually it rises up and away.  Traditionally they are only to be launched once a year or so but I bet it’s a good money-maker out here.  The further the balloon goes the better luck it is supposed to bring you. 



On our way back to our side of the island we got some Indian food from an Indian restaurant and I made a couple of videos (one for Bijal – yes that’s an Indian name- and one for Brittskys).  It’s a good thing I did do some recording.  I can’t remember what any of that food was called but it sure was delish!! 


FYI – Red Bull is originally from Thailand and the Thai version is supposedly illegal in the US.  I of course bought one to try it but felt slighted because there was no carbination and therefore it didn’t feel like an energy drink whatsoever.  I’m still not even sure if energy drinks give you energy or just serve as a health hazard.  Let’s see how hard your heart can race before your body shuts down. 

Melissa likes to sing whenever the mood strikes her and so our Tuktuk rides were filled with the most random songs.  Like Frank Sinatra, Alainiss Morrisette, The Beatles, Live, Pearl Jam, the theme song for The Fresh Prince of BelAir – whatever!  I think I was still in noo-ree-bong mode from Christmas (see Christmas blog).  When we got back we continued our rendition on the beach and it was quite fun. 

That night I decided that since it wasn’t drizzling I was going to sleep outside on a couple of towels since i had never really slept on the beach before.  Not the best of ideas.  Do you ever lay around and when you finally get up you’re not sure if you actually ever fell asleep?  Well that was what happened to me.  It was probably 6 am or something and it was drizzling again so I went inside on the comfy bed I had paid for.  And so my 3rd day had come to a close. 
