BootsnAll Travel Network

Nov. 9 – WA, Tenino

November 14th, 2005

Day 100 – Henry thought that to make the hundredth day of our trip more significant than just a number, he would like to have his starter replaced. But no worries, there was no tow trucks involved this time! We were at Tom’s house, Jason’s dad, and they had just finished replacing all the break pads the previous day – so we can stop very well now if we could get it running. We push started Henry and drove him up to a shop that offered free installation with a purchase of a starter. All is well now. I believe we have almost fixed or replaced all the minor things that a vw van would need…. or I hope we have 😉

I am sure there will be more and if you want to keep track with us you should check out our website ( and click on the van menu for the stats of breakdowns, tows, and repairs – I think we are also adding on tickets and any other non-interesting stats there could be with this trip.


Nov. 5 – WA, Kirkland

November 14th, 2005

Day 96 – We stayed the night in Kirkland, WA at my brother’s apartment. He cooked us a magnificent stew followed with a dessert of brownies and ben & jerry’s ice cream, very delicious. We spent the night playing Risk and I beat both Jason and Peter – so I have conquered the world!

Peter and us

The next day we went to visit some fellow travelers, who went around the states in their vw vanagon and then traveled the world without leaving the ground or water. We came across their website while doing some research on vanagons and saw that they lived in Seattle. So, we emailed them and lucky enough were able to meet up before we left. Scott and Karen took us on a short cruise in their really nice newly renovated sailboat. When the clouds started to look too threatening we went back to the habor and enjoyed their cozy cabin inside the sailboat and continued discussing traveling and various topics. They are planning on sailing around the world next, which ironically enough is what Jason and I want to do in the future – how strange, I guess people of similar mindset think alike. You can find out more about their stories at

Scott & Karen


Nov. 1 – WA, Seattle

November 14th, 2005

Day 92 – We are averaging one tow every two weeks… not such a great start to our new van. The clutch went out and it is back at the mechanics to be looked at. Yay for tow trucks. 😛 We’ll find out tomorrow what the reason was, but from the sounds of it the mechanic thinks it has something to do with a hose leaking fluid. It’s a good thing that we went shopping and bought all the tools we would need for fixing the vw while on the road!

Khalil was the best tow truck driver we’ve ever had. Such a friendly and skilled man, he got our van out of being stuck in reverse 🙂

On a better note, today was Cole’s first birthday. We didn’t really celebrate since his birthday party was on Sunday, but we toasted to his first 360 days on earth with champagne. He decided that breast milk was more to his liking than champagne. I don’t blame him, it’s sour stuff.


Oct. 31 – WA, Seattle

November 14th, 2005

Day 91 – Happy Halloween – and – Happy Birthday Mark!! Hee heee. Cole experienced his first day seeing everyone dressed up silly for no apparent reason, besides society agreeing that we should use this day to let our imagination go wild, and for the older people to be kids again. I don’t think he knew what to think of it. We dressed him in his little costume and browsed around the local Admiral shop area in West Seattle to collect some candy for Cole (really for us 😉 and to look at all the other little kids in their outfits.

Roar… Roar


Oct. 30th – WA, Seattle

November 13th, 2005

Day 90 – Cole’s Birthday Celebration Day… Holly and Neil with Peter, Jason and I as assistants worked really hard on making brunch type items, birthday cake, and a clean, decorated house for Cole’s first birthday. I have to say all food and dessert was really great!! There was a full count on guests, for who could miss out on this event – really. Cole got his first taste of yellow cake with chocolate frosting with rainbow circles decorating it, which he delicately picked off one by one. Such a detailed and caring kid. Congrats to the parents for surviving the first year of no-sleeping and mind reading. Congrats Cole on your first full year (well almost – just two days away) figuring out what this planet we live on is all about. Lots of laughs, giggles, cries, confusion, and understanding – oh and can’t forget the dog slobber.

Cole and his first b-day cake

Messy, messy!

The food went so fast, I didn’t get a good pic of it – but proof it was tastey!


Oct. 24/25 – WA, Olympia

November 13th, 2005

Day 84/85 – Stopped in Olympia and stayed with our friends… our first night was with Ryan and Natalie – college classmates from WSU. Unfortunately, we had such a great time we forgot to get a picture of them before leaving their home 🙁 Though I expect to see them sometime during our trip, so we’ll get them on the blog then. Hope all is going well guys!

Our second night was with the Hess family. Christine, Billy, Sarah, and Alison it was really great to see you guys again and catch up with your lives. Sarah, thank you for letting us sleep in your room – it was very comfy! I will keep missing you guys a lot.


Billy & Christine ——————– Alison & Sarah


Oct. 22/23 – WA, Vancouver

November 13th, 2005

Day 82/83 – Today was another upgrading Henry day. We replaced the pop top canvas of our camper van. It was a good full days work. We also bleached the ceiling of the camper while we had it off and painted a bit more of the inside of the van. The bleaching worked really well, there were no stains left at all from mildew or anything – it surprised me. If your are ever going to replace a canvas on one of these vans, just be warned that there are a lot of small screws to take off and put back on and some it really tight quarters.

How the hell do I do this??

Ahhh, now I got it – supervised mom

We visited Sam and Leafy, Jason’s grandparents, and meet their kittens. It was a great visit and nice to catch up with them. Thanks Leafy for being my cribbage partner, beating the boys 2 out of 3 times 😉

Jason’s Grandparents

Grandparent’s cute kittens!


Oct. 20/21 – WA, Vancouver

November 13th, 2005

Day 80/81 – We spent Thursday and Friday with Shelley and Eric. We started our visit by going to Helen Baller Elementary School where Shelley teaches 3rd grade. Entering the school we signed the sign-in book at the front office. Suddenly it felt like we were 20 years in the past as we looked around and took in the school’s mellow yellow and brown 70’s color décor with children’s art work and posters lining the hallway. We made our way to Shelley’s classroom as we snuck peeks through open doors into rooms full of miniature furniture and colorful walls. We walked into classroom number 9 and almost all the children were sitting on top of their desks. I thought, now that is the way to teach a classroom, I always loved sitting on top of my desk even in high school. Sitting on top of a desk can make it easier to be able to see and think clearer 😉 Shelley was standing in front of the classroom asking questions to one kid at a time. They were playing around the world and if they gave the wrong answer then the child had to sit down. The teacher continues to ask questions until there is only one kid left on their desk. After finishing the game they had their recess and Shelley showed us around the school.

Seeing the elementary school was entertaining; flashing back to being a kid and observing what a miniature world the children live in when at school – of course when you are that age everything seems so huge. The children came back into the classroom after recess and got ready for their next activity. Squirming in their seats, all faces forward and looking up at Shelley, waiting for their next set of instructions. Their next activity was a short introduction of us and our trip, including a question and answer period. We showed them our proposed route around the world and the route that we took across the states. The class was really great and had some interesting questions, along with some requests that if we ran into a few people they knew to say hi… and we will do our best 😉

Shelley’s Class – good luck with the rest of the school year guys!!

The next day Shelley and Eric took us to Beacon Rock State Park and we hiked up to the top of the rock that overlooked the Columbia River and it’s surroundings. The trail wound it’s way around the
side of the rock with a series of switchbacks. The views were constantly gorgeous as we walked up the path along the side of the rock. At the top it was even more beautiful being able to see
all the land around us.

Some good looking kids there!!


Oct. 19 – OR, Portland

November 13th, 2005

Day 79 – We spent the evening in Portland, Or visiting my cousins Andy and Tim Bottman. They live in an area that has a really cute small downtown feel to it with great shops and restaurants. Tim and Andy are partners in their small business called Bottman Brothers, where they are using their talents of human scale web services to provide internet services and custom web applications – check out their website

Our visit was also accompanied by their wives Jenni (Andy’s better half) and Tereza (Tim’s better half) and a new addition to the Bottman family – Jonah who was born on Aug. 11th, such a cute tiny baby!! Tim and Tereza’s baby is quite darling.

cute jonah with a blanket made by his Aunt Jenni, by the way Jenni – loving my hat!!

Uncle Andy w/ Jonah

Dinner was wonderful, we ate at Equinox Restaurant and Lounge (see reviews at our homepage for detailed info.) and this was one of the type of dinners that each bite is mouth watering and savory. I also had a Black Cherry Stout from Walking Man’s Brewery – which was a very tasty stout, more of a dessert beer and quiet sweet. If you are in Portland you have to go here!!!

All of us…


Oct. 18 – WA, Vancouver

October 23rd, 2005

Day 78 – We have been initiated into the Volkswagen club with our first fixing of the van. Yesterday the van decided to have a tantrum and was coughing and jumpy. We pulled over and had to get it towed to Carol’s home where Craig (a great mechanic) helped us get it running. We replaced the coil and the fuel filter, but realized it was just a very dirty distributor. We drove it to the store and all was great… then we went to drive it over to Shelley’s and it was sick again. So, this morning we ended up having to install new points and condenser, and now he is running like a champ 😉 Currently, Henry is getting a new set of tires – he is going to feel like a new guy soon!
