Oct. 19 – OR, Portland
Day 79 – We spent the evening in Portland, Or visiting my cousins Andy and Tim Bottman. They live in an area that has a really cute small downtown feel to it with great shops and restaurants. Tim and Andy are partners in their small business called Bottman Brothers, where they are using their talents of human scale web services to provide internet services and custom web applications – check out their website www.bottmanbros.com
Our visit was also accompanied by their wives Jenni (Andy’s better half) and Tereza (Tim’s better half) and a new addition to the Bottman family – Jonah who was born on Aug. 11th, such a cute tiny baby!! Tim and Tereza’s baby is quite darling.
cute jonah with a blanket made by his Aunt Jenni, by the way Jenni – loving my hat!!
Uncle Andy w/ Jonah
Dinner was wonderful, we ate at Equinox Restaurant and Lounge (see reviews at our homepage for detailed info.) and this was one of the type of dinners that each bite is mouth watering and savory. I also had a Black Cherry Stout from Walking Man’s Brewery – which was a very tasty stout, more of a dessert beer and quiet sweet. If you are in Portland you have to go here!!!
All of us…
Tags: 07 - USA - West Coast
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