Jan. 14 – Guatemala
Day 166 – INEPAS invited us to attend their Saturday school event, which was a hike up to Laguna Chicabal. We gladly joined for the chance to be surrounded by nature and to experience the land outside of the city. We took a collectivo, which is a van that has three rows of seats, two fold down seats off the sliding door side, and a row of seats facing the back, behind the driver seat. To make as much money as they can they cram as many people as will fit inside and outside. I think we had up to 23 people once. A very efficient system! The hike was steep, but worth it because of the views of the valley and towns below.
The laguna is a protected natural area and also a sacred area for the Mayans. They come to the laguna to hold rituals and place lilies and crosses (influence from the Catholics) along the waters edge.
lunch time and resting
Jason and one of the many people we met on the hike
Tags: 09 - Guatemala, guatemala, INEPAS, spanish school
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