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The final approach – 6 days

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Ok, here I go, there’s now only 6 days until I’m off and so far I’ve had such a terrible week! every minute of every day seems like a lifetime, seriously! why isn’t there a way for humans to hibernate for a week or so every now and again? If bears can do it then surely we humans, at the top of the food chain can devise a way to do this 🙂 [read on]

The final approach – 14 days

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Ok, so here I am behind my desk at the office pretending to be hard at work when really I’m scouring Google and BootsnAll for anything that I may have forgotten as well as any last minute information about my destinations.
No matter how hard I try to focus, my productivity has surely dropped to way below 10%… shocking!!! But in 10 working days I’ll be free from this mundane Monday to Friday 9-5 necessity just chilling out getting ready to leave so who can blame me?. Besides my bosses are so incompetent and so easy to fool that I just can’t resist getting paid to research my trip.
I’m supposed to hand in my notice this coming Friday and then work one last week but whether or not I can actually stick this place for that much time… it’s going to be tough and we’ll have to see, I’m going to have to try much harder to get out of bed at 7am every morning, I’ve been getting up a few minutes later and later every day for the past month and now, I just about get in on time. It’s also going to be difficult to keep my mouth shut at work, they still don’t know I’m leaving for Africa and not talking about my trip is getting so much harder!
[read on]

The final approach — 19 days

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007
"Only 19 days left…” “19 days left until what” you may ask? “Only 19 days left until I’m temporarily free from this overcrowded miserable landfill site called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” you may hear me reply. I’m going ... [Continue reading this entry]