BootsnAll Travel Network

Where in the world am I going?

September 22nd, 2005

So, the top questions I get about my trip are:
Where are you going?
Where in Europe are you going?
Where´s your first stop?

First and foremost, I´m going everywhere but Europe. Don´t get me wrong, Europe is great and all, but the goal of this trip is to get as far from Western civilization as possible. Europe is pretty easily accessible, and I can go there whenever I do so desire to be somewhere similar to home without actually being there. Continue reading this entry »

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Yes, this is it

September 9th, 2005

Hey y’all.

This is indeed the travel blog I’ve been talking about. There’s nothing here yet, but, hell, I haven’t even left yet. The date is September 21st – 12 days and counting (!) – check back later.

– Tania

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