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Mile 0: Avoidance

Friday, July 13th, 2007

I wondered all week if it was ever going to hit me…I’m leaving. I’m leaving soon and I’m going to be gone a long time. The funny thing about being busy is that it almost always allows you to avoid dealing with whatever issue is at hand. Last Friday marked the end of my work life for the foreseeable future and amazingly, I didn’t even think twice about it. I just shut down the computer like it was any other Friday afternoon. I’m not sure what I was expecting…some sort of mental break-down? Pomp and circumstance? To be struck by lightening? But nothing happened…and I didn’t feel especially sad, happy, nostalgic. Nothing.

Saturday and Sunday brought lots of activity despite the boiling temperatures. My first stop on Saturday morning was to the nation’s greatest farmers’ market (can you tell I’m a bit biased?) around the Capitol Square. I took the below boring pictures (I swear they’ll get better) for those who’ve never been here. Ah yes…my last FM until next year…maybe that would prompt a slight bit of emotion? Nope, not even the prospect of a farmers’ market-less future could upset me.
Vendors at the MarketCapitol on Farmers' Market Morning

On Sunday evening I had dinner with my running buddy Jenny. Here’s a picture of us after our 5K race on St. Patrick’s Day all sweaty and disgusting:
Post-race at the Shamrock Shuffle

Then on Monday, it was off to the spa in the Wisconsin Dells for two days with Colette for some much-needed and much-deserved relaxation and pampering. On the way to the spa we stopped in Prairie du Sac at the Wollersheim Winery for supplies. We did a tasting and determined yet again that the dry Riesling and the Prairie Fume are the best Wollersheim wines. Here’s Colette with the Wollersheim-themed cow from the Cow Parade:
Colette with Wollersheim Winery Cow

Though my days were dwindling I still don’t think it was hitting me. Until yesterday, that is. My last errand of the day was to drop off my computers at Fedex so they could be shipped back to California. I managed to do so successfully and was admiring the space freed up in the Civvy with their departure when I suddenly starting bawling. I mean, honest-to-god, tears of the most unabashed nature. Well this was unexpected…and more than a little ridiculous. Who cries over a bunch of circuitry and wiring? It finally occurred to me that I was turning over the last and only thing that had been exactly the same for me in the past five years. Through multiple moves and the death of a parent, lots of stuff has changed…but the one thing that was always the same is that every morning I logged on to the same computer, in the same manner, without fail. But once that was gone…Reality hit and I realized that this is for real. Which is good. And bad. But mostly good. So I’m glad I got that out of the way and can begin the Extravaganza in earnest.

The good news is that I’m not a dweller so I’m over it, past the point where I thought I might break down and am now ready to head out. Despite the fact that I’m starting a day later than planned, I’m off to the Twin Cities tonight to hang out with my friend Danielle and to attend a party tomorrow at the house of a very old friend from college named Bryan. Type to you all after the weekend….

And the countdown begins…

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

One week to go and I’m not even close to being ready. My house is in complete disarray, my car is neither clean nor packed. My supply list is a mile long with nothing crossed off of it. What am I doing? Frankly, I think I’m a little in denial that the Extravaganza is actually about to begin. I mean, it’s been a Plan for such a long time that now that it’s Reality I think I’m mildly freaked out. So what have I been doing while I should have been packing, cleaning, organizing and purchasing? Well…hanging out, imbibing, dining and most importantly…socializing. Here’s a sample of what’s been going on in lieu of trip preparations:

Camping at Devil’s Lake

Photo credit:  D. MayolethDevil’s Lake State Park is a perennial favorite with the residents of Wisconsin for its plethora of outdoor activities, easy access and central location. Though I’ve been hiking at Devil’s Lake many times, this was my first experience camping there as available weekend spots are notoriously difficult to get during the summer. We had a great time swimming and hiking…though I remembered too late why it is better to start the West Bluff trail from the north end rather than the south as the stone staircase on the south end is far steeper than that on the north end.

Trip to Chicago

The Bean
Last weekend I went with my friends Colette and Ryan to visit Ryan’s sister Amber in Chicago. After sufficiently clogging our arteries and singing along to Kenny Roger’s “The Gambler” at the Taste of Chicago, we headed down the street to Millennium Park…home of The Bean. Officially named Cloud Gate, everyone in Chicago refers to the sculpture by Anish Kapoor as The Bean because…well, it looks like one. If you are ever in Chicago you should check it out as it was an endless source of amusement for this trio of thirty year-olds and an optometry student. I cannot recommend standing beneath it and looking up, however, as doing so made me want to throw-up. We were particularly enthralled with the bizarreness of this photo (that’s me taking the picture):

Fun with the Bean

Concerts on the Square

A Madison tradition…  Bring your blanket, wine and cheese and prepare to feel like a rebel as you violate all sorts of open-container laws while sitting on the Capitol lawn.  This year’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” program actually fell on Independence Day itself so was especially patriotic.  Colette and Angie and I enjoyed the great weather, lack of mosquitoes and fabulous company…and the music too!

Photo credit:  Alvaro Barros & Parker Laas FotoGraphix