BootsnAll Travel Network

4 – Extravaganza FAQ

It seems that taking nine months off to travel around the western hemisphere by yourself is a little strange to some people. Consequently, I’ve been fielding a large number of questions about this trip so I’ve decided to answer them all in one place.

1. What is the Extravaganza and why are you doing it?
The Extravaganza is the moniker I’ve given my upcoming nine month trip through North and South America in honor of my recent 30th birthday. Turning 30 seemed like a good thing to celebrate so I’m off on a road trip to visit friends and family in the U.S. and Canada followed by traveling, language learning, volunteering, etc. in South America. Besides, “extravaganza” is a far more interesting word than “trip” or “adventure” and anyone who knows me knows that I love interesting words. As to why I’m doing it…why not? I haven’t spent an appreciable amount of time out of the country since I spent a summer in Spain in 2001 so it seemed like a good time to head out and do some exploring.

2. Where are you going?
My current, tentative itinerary is listed on this blog under the appropriately-named-page “Itinerary.” Please also be sure to check out the map to the right for my current location.

3. Don’t you have a job? Did you quit?
My exceedingly generous employer has agreed to give me a nine month leave of absence so I didn’t have to quit my job. Very, very nice of them.

4. How can you afford to quit working for 9 months?
This plan has been in the works for a long time so I’ve been saving up for quite a while. Besides, it is significantly cheaper for me to live in South America than it is for me to live in the U.S. Since most of my stateside expenses will disappear when I’m not here, I’m only paying for living and traveling costs in very inexpensive countries.

6. Do you speak Spanish?
Abysmally at the moment. That’s part of the motivation for the trip…all the Spanish that was in my brain in Spain has subsequently disappeared for lack of practice. Since there are significantly fewer English speakers in SA than in Europe I’m hopeful that the language immersion will go better this time around. Ever heard of Manta, Ecuador? Neither had I which is why I’ve selected it as the location for my Spanish language learning.

7. What about your house? What about Kitty ?
I’ve installed good tenants in my rental property and have found a nice woman to live in my house while I’m gone. She’s also generously agreed to take care of Kitty in my absence, thus negating the need to find a cat-sitter and/or ship her back to my brother where she might be consumed by said brother’s Rottweiler named Shadow. I expect that Kitty will continue to lead the low-stress, life of leisure that she has thus far enjoyed throughout her existence.

8. Are you going by yourself? Aren’t you worried about death/dismemberment/terrorist attacks, etc.?
For the most part, yes, I am traveling by myself. The actual driving in the road trip is definitely by myself but the main goal of that part of the trip is to visit friends and family so of course then I won’t be alone. The South American portion is mostly by myself with a few friends/family members planning to join me for certain sections of the trip. It is, however, a main tenet of solo travel that you are only as alone as you want to be. There is a well-worn gringo trail in SA so when one seeks companionship it is usually not hard to find.

I’m not exactly a worrier so, no, I’m not especially concerned about death/dismemberment, etc. Staying home does not ensure safety of life or limb, so why limit myself to my current environs? I am not, however, immune to the potential dangers so plan to employ the same precautions I would use at home plus have I developed a safety plan to reassure others that I’ll be fine.

9. Are you sure your car can handle a 10,000 mile road trip?
Several of you have expressed doubt that my beloved Civvy can handle such an extensive drive. We are offended. Everyone knows that a well-maintained Honda can easily go 200K miles and we are only at about 155K. So there. The Civvy is all tuned up and ready to rock…hopefully I won’t be eating my words later.

10. Are you OK? Are you having an early mid-life crisis?
One of my favorite questions. Yes, I’m OK. No, I’m not having an early mid-life crisis. Is it really so strange to want to take some time off and go exploring?

11. Why will you be gone for nine months? Are you pregnant and taking your pregnancy off?
Seriously. I am taking nine months because that is the maximum amount of time allowed under my company’s LOA policy. You would not believe how many people ask me this question.

12. Now that you’re 30 shouldn’t you stay home and find a husband?
OK, so no one has actually asked me this yet though I’m sure more than a few have thought it. My answer is the same as ever…I have the next 70 years to be married and have kids…and only 1 year to be 30 and go on a celebratory extravaganza. Buen viaje mis amigos!

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10 Responses to “4 – Extravaganza FAQ”

  1. Gayle Kloss Says:

    Just don’t find a Brazilian husband and decide to STAY down there!!!

  2. admin Says:

    I’m pretty sure the South Americans are too short for me but you can be sure I’ll be keeping my options open! They always say the best way to improve your foreign language skills is to get a boyfriend in the host country! 🙂

  3. Posted from United States United States
  4. Mom Says:

    Well I have finally had a chance to read this page of your blog. I can’t beileive I never thought of 11. Well actually I can believe it, I know you well enough to know that is not the way that would play out. As far as 12……Maybe! I do think this trip will be a blast for all of us. (of coarse the mother in me is a little fearfu.) I am still not sure what the safety plan is, but I trust that you do.

  5. Posted from United States United States
  6. admin Says:

    Will fill you in the safety plan details soon… Glad to hear you’re planning to enjoy yourself on my trip! 🙂

  7. Posted from United States United States
  8. Julie (Bogaard) Dietlin Says:


    Thanks for including me on your list, I am very curious about your adventures and am also very jealous.

    I love #11. I can’t wait to hear all of your fun stories. Stay safe.


  9. admin Says:

    Hey Jules-
    Great to hear from you! It’s a bummer we never got to meet up in Chicago…time just goes by so fast! I hope married life is treating you well…keep in touch! -Stacey

  10. Posted from United States United States
  11. Erin Says:

    Why not find a Brazilian Husband, nothing like a Latin Lover? I say go for it, he can help you with the baby you are having after the 9 months.

  12. Posted from United States United States
  13. Eric Says:

    Stacey, nrGetting a good laugh reading through this….you are one organized young woman….your itinerary blows me away, planned out by day over 9 months! i am thrilled for you and find myself playing around with my own schedule while still here in Central America to figure a way to try and share a little in this extravaganza!

  14. Mom Says:

    This one is for Julie….Hi Long Time No See!

  15. Posted from United States United States
  16. Brooke Says:

    Hi Stacey! Looks like such a great trip – good luck on your journeys! Thanks for adding us as a link on your site 🙂 Of course things have changed a bit since Brian got his amazing, fantastic overseas job offer… but we’re still taking on the world in every way possible.

  17. Posted from United States United States

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