I went to Alexandria last Friday, but I haven’t had the chance to post anything about it. I’m now in Luxor now, after visiting Aswan and Abu Simbel, almost 1500 Km away and many many hours in a train, but anyway 🙂
Alexandria, was the favourite city of Alexander the Great and was the cultural capital of the world for many many hundreds of years. My first impression: awful!!
Everything happens for a reason and my reason was this:
I arrived at 21:00, I had no place to stay and no clue about any hostel or hotel. I started walking thru the market at rush hour, thousands of peoples, trams, cars and donkeys, all of them pushing me and my 18 Kg. bag. A bit stressful belive me. So what did I do? I found an Internet cafe to look for accomodation, and what did I find? Only one hotel was available and it was 60 $ US!! WHAT no way!! So forget the internet and I started walking and asking and walking and asking, until I found a good/cheap place to stay.
The next morning was totally different, I strolled around Alexandria, and I fell in love with it. It’s so beautiful!! I went to some museums and walked along the sea shore. There I found a fisherman, who was probably the nicest man in Alexandria, and he couldn’t speak english!! Then is when you understand, that sometimes words are useless and that a smile and some gestures can say more than all the words in the world. I spend two hours with him, he invited me to eat and I watched the sunset.
I also met 6 guys, they were all 18, and without reason, we started to talk. Then they invited me to the aquarium, and to drink some juice. I tried to pay everytime, but it was impossible, they would say: “No Simon, you are our guest.” Egiptian people are so open and friendly you can not belive it.
I visited the Alexandria Biblioteque, the largest library in the world, where I met Julian, a Colombian guy who was working in South Africa, and studies architecture in my university! The world is so small sometime…
So anyway I had a wonderful time, and Alexandria is probably my favourite city in Egypt, I think I agree with Alexander 🙂
Tags: Alexandria, Egypt, Simon Uribe Convers, Travel
Ola Simon,
ier ist Jiannis aus Berlin, ich bin seit einem Monat hier und lese oft dein Blog, hoffe alles besten bei dir mein Freund…
Mach’s gut malaka…