BootsnAll Travel Network

It’s the time for Curfew (to the tune of All Cried Out, by Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam)

April 8th, 2006

Woke up this Saturday morning, thought I could go and get some
Thinking of some salmon and eggs for
But the call came so early
A little after niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
You said there was a curfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
Set this place of fire cause I’m tired of these
All I wanted a simple breakfast…..
But the government would not accept it and
Called a curfew from ten til eleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
(at niiiiiight)
And nowwwwwwww….we are all left confused
Now it’s the

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More Drama with Students (Rocky Road Effects)

April 7th, 2006

Well, once we had it all written on paper, the students which pleasantly surprised me, went over the contract line-by-line, scouring it, asking questions.  What if you don’t find us a job, how can re-pay this amount working in Nepal?

We changed a few things, like adding a fee, if they are kicked out or quit the program, they repay what classes they attended. It’s a lot different for them knowing they have to re-pay a loan, and then another thing seeing it written down on paper.

One of the students thought that she had to pay if she failed a test, and I said, no, if you fail the whole program.  We had a good, releasing laugh about that one!

Then they took the contracts home to their parents made sure they were cool with the terms and everyone came back.  Temporarily. Read the rest of this entry »

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Rocky Road

April 7th, 2006

We experienced an incident last month. It was a breakdown in communication, dropping the ball on our part and mutiny. It almost resulted into terminating the program at least with this batch of students and starting over, recruiting new people. We did however terminate one of our teachers.More...

We finally started the anatomy and yoga classes, the flat we rented was finally available, cleaned, painted and ready to go. So, one Tuesday afternoon, when Rob and I were still in the area, we went to go pay the anatomy teacher the first month’s salary. He informed us that he would be out of town Thursday and would like to trade and teach anatomy Friday morning and have the yoga Thursday morning.

We have anatomy and physiology three days a week in the afternoon, from 2-4, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. We had to do it in the afternoon, because the anatomy teacher could only do it in the afternoon. Otherwise we’d have it in the morning at 7 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have yoga in the morning at 7:30-9:00 a.m.

Well there was a scheduling problem, and the yoga teacher could only come in on that schedule and wouldn’t be able to teach Thursday morning. So I suggested he teach Friday afternoon or Thursday morning.

He didn’t tell me until after a few minutes that he was going out of town and couldn’t teach at all Thursday. Somehow in the long discussion, between talking to him and then talking to the flat owner, to pay her the first month’s rent, a lot of confusion took place. While we were talking to the flat owner, the teacher and one of the students were having a long discussion about when to have class among other things, I can only speculate.

We discussed with the teacher, why he couldn’t switch with the yoga teacher for the morning, and to come in the afternoon Friday. So, somehow, I didn’t understand that he agreed to come Friday afternoon.

So, Thursday comes around and the students ask if there is anatomy class that day and I say no and I still haven’t heard from the teacher about Friday.

So, on my part I dropped the ball on that one, because I didn’t think about it, didn’t make a note of it, to call and confirm. Though Rob kept saying, he was teaching Friday afternoon.

Well, during that week, we finally got some rain, where it rained continuously for almost 24 hours. I should’ve heeded that sign of a a fresh start, or a foreboding, or that something needed to be cleaned. Read the rest of this entry »

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Get your coffee cup and curl up in bed with your computer

April 6th, 2006

Yes, another writing spurt, for weeks there will be nothing to read, and now there are chapters to read!

I apologize for not writing more often but as you can see, I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with work that the idea of sitting in front of the computer recounting these stories are a bit tedious. And since this is a bandh day, go shorty, it’s a bandh day….I have a lot of time on my hands, so I am putting my fingertips to use to tell the happ’s of the past month and a half.So, whenever you check back, you will find some stuff to sink your teeth into. I wish my connection wasn’t so slow because I have pictures from the first day to add, and I need to take more as Rob keeps telling me.


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It’s yer bandth day….

April 6th, 2006

Go ‘head, go ‘head, it’s a bandh-day it’s a bandh day!

Well, here we are another four day bandh called by the SPA, which of course means, Seven Parties Association, as in the seven political groups of Nepal.  Whenever I read these headlines, in the English newspapers, I think oh, is there a new spa?  And then I read it, and find out it’s something completely different. It’s only in the past week to two weeks that the media or the political parties gave themselves this name.  There are many acronyms and it’s hard to keep up with all of them. 

But on to other things, this mandatory day off allows me to catch everyone up on the latest and greatest in the on-going saga of building a project, teaching massage therapy, managing a personal life, and managing life in the big dusty, dirty city.

Well, this past week was another nice milestone, or as Rob likes to say a ‘beautiful’ milestone.  Read the rest of this entry »

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