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Acne, skin issues and Honey

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

I admit, I haven’t been taking care of my skin this year. My sabbatical has included not washing my face regularly since I don’t leave the house.

All that changed about a month ago, when I noticed I was developing a large zit on my left side of my cheek right near a newly formed smirk line on my face.

So, after a couple of days of putting my Tom’s of Maine toothpaste on it, to dry it out (whatever toothpaste you have will do), I felt it was ready enough to pop. Yes, I know, I know, never pop a zit. Well, when I do and when I didn’t, I had varying effects. When I did pop it, it went away without a trace. When I didn’t pop it, it left a scar. When I did pop it, it left a scar that went away. [read on]

Carnival of Healing 101: Changing, Doing, Being—Tools and Perspectives for Life Integration

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

Hello and Welcome to this weeks Carnival of Healing!
Thanks to Phylameana and her tireless efforts of keeping this carnival going and for sending me submissions. This is my first one and I’m glad to have you all here.

Of course, I didn’t realize my time to host was here and I was thinking of what themes I would choose. I’ve decided to offer an array of platters based on what I’m currently going through: a late summer cold (for the 2nd time, what’s going on with my immune system!!!???) so I offer a few items of holistic remedies, more items that aid in re-organizing my reality– there are some interesting blogs regarding practical ways to ‘make it happen’ or manifest and also to live more harmoniously in America or any other highly industrialized place, plus I want to introduce other interesting therapies to add to our toolbox of self-help for self-improvement for our own self-love.

So I will call this multi-themed carnival:

Carnival of Healing: Changing, Doing, Being–Tools and Perspectives on for Life Integration.

Last week’s Carnival, the 100th milestone had a great list covering different topics, and a few of the more memorable ones from the past. For archives, please click this.

Next week’s Carnival of Healing will be at A-Ha TV, they are calling for submissions!
Now, get your bookmarks ready and flex your arms and wrists, to click and browse through these sites! Enjoy! Oh and please remember to leave comments on their blogs and that they were featured on the Carnival of Healing!

Changing (and Doing and Being):

This is short-entry blog, LEAPNOW but I think it offers a different view on education and the program is really inspiring. This organization offers a semester abroad for seniors in high school to incoming freshman. They are affiliated through New College in the Bay Area, in California. I can’t believe I found this, I’m going to apply for the team leader position, this one is right up my alley. There are two sections to this blog, one is from an acceptance speech from a well-known teacher and his take on the current curriculum taught today in public schools–how we’ve been taught to have no inner life at all. The other section of the blog is from the teens perspective of their internships in different countries working with at-risk populations. I wish I did this when I finished high school!

Next in the Being category is I am My Own Master: Self Mastery for Independent Mind Seekers , by Desika Nadadur. His site which has great articles about self-mastery, and meeting and moving past the Buddha on the way to Enlightenment. He’s all about “the true wisdom lies within,” and when we do find other “master’s” (who have ashrams or maybe write popular spiritual books) and he reminds us not to compare, or despair if we don’t feel like we measure up. Because we are all the same anyway, some of us just remembered that we are a divine being. This was the first article that came up on his blog 9 Mistakes to Avoid On Your Way to Enlightenment. He offers other tips regarding fasting. Very informative.

In the Doing category, which is a part of Being, is another interesting blog as we are re-organize our realities, Nneka’s blog has the same philosophies about the Spiritual/Human Potential Movement as she writes about The Secret in her article The Secret Remixed: It’s Not About the Stuff. This is not a critique discrediting it, it’s a critique and exposition about what was not included. She has other topics that gives a more in-depth view about certain popular ‘truths’ that are out there and reminds us to bring in the divine and be grounded as well, or as other Teachers of The Way say, “first learn to walk on earth, before trying to walk on water.”

Please know like I said, I’m in this really big transition and I’m learning how to function as a human being in a whole knew way and in an American context again, so that is why I wanted to share these perspectives because I really found it so valuable.

On to the next blog.. in the Being category, and what a find–when you seek, you will find–it’s a good lesson for me. I guess that’s is what we call ‘making it happen’ or ‘manifestation’, I was looking for others that felt the same way about American life, check out this article about the analysis of Americans and our vacations, Americans have plenty of leisure time by Christopher Richards on his site, a blog about being in the present and work not as a means to an end. As I move into the expressing myself in terms of the word ‘work’, I cannot compromise and do whatever in the meantime to get by–been there, done that–and killed my spirit and now I hopefully know better, it’s nice to read other perspectives about just being and supporting oneself (financially, mentally, especially).

In the Change and Doing category, here is a method for bringing your expressions into the world, I’m a little hard-headed and I appreciate that he goes beyond the visualization, and aligning with the feeling (love Abraham-Hicks) which is a part of manifesting, this article offers a way to organize your needs, wants and talents, The Meaning of Life: From Purpose to Action , Steve Pavlina’s blog might be a familiar spot to the Carnival of Healing family, a couple of people have him listed on their blogroll, he might possibly have been featured in another carnival.

Change...Here is another technique some might be familiar with, Matrix Energetics, it’s energy work,that uses a lot of science and masculine aspects. Check out Kingston Hendrickse, a Brit residing in London recalling his first Matrix Energetics training in Seattle, in Matrix Energetics-The Art and Science of Transformation. I’ve had some ‘matrix’ sessions with a very good friend of mine, it was very cool, and it really gave me a push on my path, a much needed push that I was seeking. Just something new to throw out there!

Change…I have found great benefits in hypnotherapy, I had no idea how powerful it is, until 4 years later, (now). Wow. I came upon this site, this is also a short blog, but the experience he had participating in a therapeutic ritual was really amazing, and I found him to be courageous to write about a very personal experience with himself and his son. My Empowerment Intensive Experience, by the Alchemical Institute of Hypnosis blog.

My wonderful cold that I am so grateful for,(semi-sarcastic, but I’m even grateful for being sarcastic about being grateful for the cold), inspired me to include:

My Battle with a Summer Cold is an article by Dr. Dee’s blog Natural Holistic Health Blog, she’s a well-rounded all homeopathic and natural healer, she is Reiki Master, Master Herbalist and Holistic Practitioner oh yes and she is also certified in Aromatherapy. Along with her energy work she also is certified in color/crystal therapy and sound therapy. I was too cheap to replace the ACF’s Immune Support that I left at my grandparent’s house in another city, and I was too tired last week to get echinacea, but with Dr. Dee’s blog posting, there is a comprehensive list for others to abate a cold. Good Luck! BTW, I’m doing a lot better, I had no energy when I got up this morning, but the cold is almost gone, no more runny nose! Yay! (Thanks to Reiki, hydrogen peroxide ear wash and gargle)…three days isn’t bad for having a cold. by Mahendra Archarya is a wealth of information on every topic, except for the common cold…oh well, it’s still a great reference blog of research based topics and ayruvedic remedies for different ailments.

Holistic Health Blog by Josh Rubin, is another wealth of information braniac, this guy knows his stuff! “As a CHEK Practitioner Level 4, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach Level 3, Occupational Therapist and Masters Student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Josh applies many Eastern and Western holistic philosophies to the assessment and treatment of his clients.” This is a question and answer blog, he also writes for Dr. Mercola’s website among many other holistic health-related websites.

And last but not least, I offer up a snazzy blog that promotes all things and events that have to do with ecological products and services, EcoFabulous-Sustainable. Sexy.Stuff . Looking for wonderful gift ideas or ways to support our planet, this is a one-stop reference site!

Thank you so much for coming by, it was wonderful to have you all here. This was really amazing for me, to do more research about topics that support my own process of being, I really gained a lot of perspective and support just by reading through those sites. It’s very inspiring and I’m grateful that I was able to participate, I will definitely do this again. Thank you Phyl!

Please remember next week’s Carnival of Healing will be hosted by A-HaTV, a new and innovative internet/tv site dedicated to all things holistic. Can’t wait!