More Drama with Students (Rocky Road Effects)
Friday, April 7th, 2006Well, once we had it all written on paper, the students which pleasantly surprised me, went over the contract line-by-line, scouring it, asking questions. What if you don’t find us a job, how can re-pay this amount working in Nepal?
We changed a few things, like adding a fee, if they are kicked out or quit the program, they repay what classes they attended. It’s a lot different for them knowing they have to re-pay a loan, and then another thing seeing it written down on paper.
One of the students thought that she had to pay if she failed a test, and I said, no, if you fail the whole program. We had a good, releasing laugh about that one!
Then they took the contracts home to their parents made sure they were cool with the terms and everyone came back. Temporarily. [read on]