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Archive for the 'The Path of Life' Category

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Fembots Among Us…

Friday, July 20th, 2007

There was this article about supposed fem-bots, this new breed of women twentysomethings and thirtysomethings who were detached, selfish and competitive. Sounds like neo-feminazism? Well, it just described women that didn’t feel the need to get emotional, were very self-aware of their needs coming first and not really trying to be everyone’s best friend and were focused on their careers and getting ahead in them.

So goes the American’s psyche, being further plunged into a younger generation of women’s heads. [read on]

starting a gratitude journal

Friday, July 20th, 2007

I’m grateful that I go into the kitchen and there is something that I can eat or make to eat.

I am grateful for having a comfortable bed to sleep in.

I am grateful for having my parents

I am grateful for having the cutest dog that I love.

…and a spider sat down beside her….

Friday, June 29th, 2007
...and scared the living bejeezus out of me! I've been seeing this little black spider crawling on my wall for the past couple of days, thinking, I should get it out of here since I tend to be allergic ... [Continue reading this entry]

Energy healer on Inside Edition

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007
I saw a segment on Inside Edition on a young guy who calls himself "Adam the Dream Healer." He has written books, and tours Canada and probably the U.S. (can't confirm that from the segment) doing group healings and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sick in the Gatornation?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Yes strange as it may seem, getting a flu is not only relegated to foreign third-world countries, it also happens right in your backyard, in the non-polluted, self-touted, tree city of Gainesville, Florida.

Well, it’s been one week since ... [Continue reading this entry]