EDITOR’S NOTE: (SELF PROCLAIMED EDITOR AS I AM THE ONE WRITING THIS THING 😛 (I think I wrote this a couple of months ago and added the last two paragraphs just now. I was just going through something, (don’t we all?) and needed to express myself, and I didn’t want to post it, and now, for some reason, I feel like doing it. Just like that.)
It’s interesting to me to see the plethora of websites that deal with spirituality, everyone has their own methods, their books, tapes, CD’s and DVD’s to sell you their idea of how to reach enlightenment and your path to abundance, finding your soul work, or finding a mate.
It’s interesting to be on a path, a conscious path where everything you do, think and feel, and therefore are, can go in so many different directions, sometimes I feel like what is the purpose, aren’t I supposed to feel better about life, about myself? Yes, most times I do. And as I write this for my own understanding, I know that choosing to be in a conscious way, with all the stumbling and amazing moments in between, it’s a life filled with faith. Something I never would’ve ever thought I would say or believe in. It’s a belief system, it’s what makes me keep moving, instead of being stuck, it’s about changing me so my outer world changes as well, what I attract/create etc., etc
I’m not saying anything (k)new and I’m just figuring it all out still, which keeps my curiosity filled, not every fully understanding because when I think I have something figured out, when I feel like I have figured out something, then a wrench is thrown in and I’m disoriented, and then humbly kick and scream that I don’t know nuthin. But when the disorientation comes down, and I want to just question everything, it always brings me back to faith, what do I believe in? What is truth? And what is just a bunch of BS that is packaged and delivered to my demographic group in a new-agey, change your life, Oprah’s a-ha moment slick style?
Faith. I do believe in the story continuing, that there is not finite answer and that inter-connectedness that is our lifeline or since I’m talking about me, my lifeline to everyone and everything. And of course, there is that slick, new guru with some life changing messianic book that is featured on the talk show circuit, as the new ‘it’ book. Do I buy it, no because it doesn’t resonate. Lately, I’ll receive an e-mail that markets to spiritual path walkers (thanks James Twyman) that tells me this is the book that WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, IT HAS A NEW MESSAGE YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOU WILL BE ONE AND ENGLIGHTENED BY READING THIS NEW MESSAGE, well, you know I just pass.
Tags: About Me, baby, spirituality
was taken to your site. Was reading “emissary of light” and was taking a break. A very long story…..have been called to Nepal since….forever.I need to come..Please , if you have the time….who are you and what are you doing over there?
Thank you