BootsnAll Travel Network

French pastries and rehydration IV’s for dinner in Phnom Penh

April 12th, 2006

We caught an evening prop-plane flight full of mosquitoes from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia and said to once have been perhaps the finest city in all of Southeast Asia. That is, before the Khmer Rouge wreaked havoc on the country in the late 70’s, which included clearing everyone out of the capital and other cities into the countryside to “re-educate” them as agricultural peasants, leading to the death of a few million people. One can still see why Phnom Penh was once held in such high esteem as it has some elegant wide boulevards and grand colonial houses courtesy of once being under the French as part of Indochina. And it doesn’t feel anywhere nearly as overly crowded as other SE Asia cities such as Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), sadly courtesy of the Khmer Rouge. Read the rest of this entry »

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On to Cambodia and Angkor Wat

March 30th, 2006

Angkor Monks @ Angkor

After a quick flight from Phuket to Bangkok and another to Siem Reap, we arrived at the airport around 8pm and though it was dark out I (Anthony writing now) could already see that this was not the same Cambodia that I had experienced nearly 8 years ago. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Lee’s take on Thailand

March 8th, 2006

@ the Grand Palace

Yes, its true – Shan’s parents crashed our honeymoon and it was actually really great. First, we spent a week together in Bangkok and Phuket. For more on our time in Thailand and pics Read the rest of this entry »

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Singapore Part II: We finally ventured out

February 17th, 2006

Singapore skyline

We are proud that we did make it out and about in Singapore despite our attachment and addiction to Casa Becky. For more on Singapore…

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Think Before You Do: Things we learned the hard way – Updated

February 13th, 2006

A couple things we’ve learned from experience. As they say, live and learn.
FYI, we’ll update this list accordingly with new lessons along the way. Read the rest of this entry »


Must Haves – Updated 12.02.2006

February 12th, 2006

We’ve put together a list of “things to bring” that we are extremely happy to have with us. Many of the items on this list were reccommended by friends and family who very were generous helpful to share packing tips from their experiences (THANK YOU!). The information was extremely useful for us and we wanted to share the wealth as maybe it will be useful for you too. FYI, we plan on updating this list accordingly with more items that we find useful along the way. Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia – let’s add it to the list while we’re at it

February 1st, 2006

After getting some R&R and not leaving Becky’s apartment for a few days (except for when we were forced out to find food after finishing off what was left in Becky’s kitchen AND to go to the pool), we decided that it was time for us to get back into our travel groove so we decide to head up to the state of Melaka, Malaysia to check out they well-known capital Colonial city of Malacca. Read the rest of this entry »

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Singapore Part I: Shanthony Detour #1

January 30th, 2006

So, we were supposed to had over to Myanmar from Luang Prabang, but low and behold we encountered our first unexpected traveler’s bump in the road. Find out why we’re in Singapore Read the rest of this entry »

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Luang Prabang

January 28th, 2006

Luang Prabang riverview

Luang Prabang, the former capital of Laos and UNESCO World Heritage site, proved to be as great of a place that all the guidebooks, articles and previous visitors rave that it is. This city has character in its people, its architecture (a combination of French colonial and Buddhist), its layout (a peninsula between 2 rivers and surrounded by mountains) and its food. There is something special about this city that makes you automatically comfortable to be there and immediately relaxes you and puts you at ease. We spent about 2 days in Luang Prabang after our jungle trek, during which we walked around the island, visited some of the sights, treated ourselves to cheap massages, wandered the food and night markets looking for interesting things to sample, saw a cultural dance and music performance, and just let ourselves be enveloped by the peaceful aura of the city. Read the rest of this entry »

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Jungle Trek: Lions, tigers and bears – Oh my!

January 25th, 2006

Like a tightrope walker crossing the river

Anthony and I set out for our trek the morning after we arrived in Luang Prabang and found that were in a great group with two Americans who are teaching English in China in the Hunan province and on holiday and a British editor who is on the last leg of her half year of travel. For more details and photos Read the rest of this entry »

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