BootsnAll Travel Network

A couple of classic emails this week…

First, on a “for your convenience” note:

“Some Singapore Airlines flights will be re-numbered to reduce confusion with similar-sounding numbers and to ease communication.”

right… and on a more serious note, Virgin Atlantic’s booking system decided to cancel my last flight next year, which was a little worrying. Their US customer “service” department took two emails to send this enlightening message:

“Having viewed your reservation, it is apparent an operational change has taken place.”


(Eventually I found out that the flight time had changed. Presumably they thought that I’d like to have my reservation cancelled- and be stuck in America land, no thanks!)

So Virgin are now on the crappy airlines I’ll-not-choose-to-fly-with-again list along with perennial (un)favourites British Airways. And while I’m whinging, two out of three Nikon cameras I’ve owned now have developed “technical faults”, and my expensive Vango bag is now held together with gaffa tape after it started splitting in June… “They don’t make things to last anymore…”


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