BootsnAll Travel Network

This party NEVER stops

My god, Im not even going to try to write about everything that has happened in the last few days. I just got to Guanajuato, and I´m really excited to be spending a bit more time here, meeting even more people, doing even more crazy things, and getting a better sense of a city.

My time in Zacatecas was crazy, like some wild dream. One day there, I woke up at 2 pm (after a LONG night), then wandered around the city for hours. Some girls outside a house started talking to me, and they invited me in. As it turns out, this was a house of 25 18-year-old girls studying at the local university. We sat in a room, and they would ask me questions, then i would just talk, and we would sit in silence for a few minutes, and smile at each other. I was there for about 2 and a half hours, then i went with four of the girls to get some ice cream. An hour later, they were almost crying as we said goodbye. An hour later, I went out to meet a girl I had met the night before, but she never showed up. No worries, I went instead with some mexicans guys from the hostel, and we went to a club, then to a bar, then back to the club. As the club closed, we met 3 girls, one of whom was having a party at her house. We fit 9 people in a little car, and cruised over to our after-party. It was sweet; most people didnt leave until 5 or 6 am. I never left. The next day, I was still undecided as to whether or not to come to Guadalajara, but I decided I had no choice. I had already told too many people I was leaving, so off i went.

I didnt get to Guadalajara until 2 am. The next day, I took a tour of the city with this crazy czech guy, and met a nice girl from morelia. We went to this big canyon on the edge of the city. Then i wandered around alone for hours, through all of the public squares where mariachis played and street artists entertained huge crowds. I went out around 10 with an Australian guy, and didnt get back to the hostel until 5 am.

This morning, I was trying to get to the long distance bus station, Central de Buses. I asked about 15 different people where to go, and everyone told me something different. I was walking in a huge circle arond the city center, and i felt absolutely ridiculous. Finally, i found a bus by walking about a mile in the direction of my destination. 5 more hours in a bus, and here i am.

Paz y Amor


6 Responses to “This party NEVER stops”

  1. shapiro Says:

    Not bad cowboy,
    sounds pretty incredible. There aren’t many people who could get so much from an opportunity like yours, and there aren’t a lot of chances to try. I’d say you’re a little lucky so far, but you’re relying a lot more on talent, honest friendliness, and an open mind.
    There was a lot that i had wanted to write or tell to you right before you left, but its still in some word document as a draft, mid-sentence.
    So fuck it, and rock on Deedy.

    As our fire-fightin mentor Captain Jim Duddy once said about you to me

    “It sure takes some marbles to go wanderin around those banana republics”

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Anonymous Says:

    hey dan!!
    🙂 i’m glad ur still writing in here once in a while… makes it seem like maybe ur not completely gone, that u still remember all of us back here!
    i really miss you, and wish u were completely still here, but oh well! i’m so glad ur having fun!! i read the words “i met this girl from…” about 30 times in this entry so i’m sure ur having the time of your life!!
    stay safe and keep on writing in here!!
    gud luck in the remainder of ur trip! can u believe u’ve only been gone for a week?!?!?!? thats crazy isnt it!? 😀

    if u want some news on all of us here, everything’s great, florie came back for the weekend since we had no skool on monday (the word skool must seem so weird to u!) and we all went to parties all weekend. it’s been raining 24/7, i’m gona start building an arc like gud’ ol’ Noa if it keeps on raining like this!!

    i sure hope everything keeps on going as smoothly as it’s been going for you!!!!

    love always,


  4. Greg Says:

    Danny boy,

    Just as I had expected, you’re meeting tons of people and having the time of your life. And it’s only been what…. 1 week? You’re in for one hell of a ride!! You better not stop writing in this piece, minimum once a week!
    Dude…. more about these chicks…. us men need more detail. A scale of 1 to 10 works for me :-p

    Keep us posted! We all miss you much


  5. Posted from United States United States
  6. someone Says:

    heyyy dannyyy!!!
    well im glad to no everythings good ova there, ahora se que hablas muy bien espanol y que vas a volver y no vas a poder hablar ningun ingles!!! as for me im here in the cold….. yes its getting cold fall weather and all!!!
    glad to hear ur meeting tons of pple my lil dany’s growing up 😛
    keep us posted, id b glad to know how my dear old peru’s going if ur going there!!



  7. Posted from Canada Canada
  8. Hannah Says:

    Man, I just read the “Yo no soy marinero” entry, and I remember that day at Crane Beach perfectly. I have the pictures hanging on my wall (& can send them if you want). I went to the beach last week with my German exchange students, and realized it had been a full year since I had been to any beach. My favorite thing about it, though, is that we were all throwing out our dreams, like, “Yeah, let’s take a motorcycle trip through Latin America!” And you are actually doing it! You don’t know how cool that is for a fantasy to come true like that.
    I’ll keep checkin’ up on you. Keep the party going down there!!

  9. Posted from United States United States
  10. Amisha Says:

    hey dan!

    dude, you and all these girls, you’re such a pimp. isn’t it an unusual ratio compared to arlington? can u even believe you were in arlington before now that you’re in such a different world?

    your journey seems amazing, keep posting dan!!

    love, amisha

  11. Posted from United States United States
  12. Lori Says:

    ya veo que te lo estas pasando genial! espero que sera asi hasta el final de tu viaje! 🙂 te echo de menos y espero que toda la gente que conozcas a traves de esta experiencia nunca te olvidaran porque eres una buena persona!
    diviertete como un loco ;-)!!!
    besos, lori

  13. Posted from France France

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