BootsnAll Travel Network

Disco Inferno

I can hardly believe it, but tomorrow will likely be the midpoint of my trip.

In some ways, it seems like I`ve been traveling forever, and in other ways, like my trip has just begun. Traveling has become a lifestyle, a mode of living to which Ive become quite adjusted. It isn`t easy; the hardest thing is saying goodbye to so many people, so often. I feel like I`m getting more impersonal as I go along, but I sincerely hope that that is not the case.

The first month of my trip took a long time. I had a blast, but it seemed like it was still some kind of crazy vacation. Now, it feels nothing like a vacation, and time is flying by. I have no time for anything: I still haven`t climbed a single volcano, rafted down a single river, learned to surf, or hitchhiked. It seems like a tourist who comes to the region for just 2 weeks can accomplish many more things than I can accomplish in an unlimited timeframe.

I don`t want to go home, but it will be nice to see everybody again. While I travel, I meet loads of interesting, fun people, but Ive never met a group of people quite like my group of friends in A-Town. It isnt that Arlington is such a wonderful place, but it is where I grew up and defined who I am today, and therefore I think it will always hold a part of me.

At the same time, I like Latin America far better. The noise, the craziness, the music, and the rhythm of life here suit me quite well. I know that when I leave here, I won`t stop dreaming of coming back. When I do return, it will feel like coming home as much as returning to Arlington.

I`ve learned some important lessons in my first 4 months traveling, so I think I should set some rules for myself for the future:

I can`t let inhibitions get the better of me, and I can`t be content with being timid.
I will refuse to buy drinks for girls.
I will drink slowly.
I won`t spend too much time around too many gay people.
I won`t lend money to ANYBODY, no matter what the situation. I`ve lost far too much money this way.
Most importantly, I`ll do spontaneous things, because in the long run, these make the best stories.

So I`m in Panama City now, and it is a cool place. One half of the city is ultra modern, full of shiny high-rises, banks, and 24-hour casinos. The other half is composed of tall, dirty apartment buildings and rough wooden structures housing the city`s many poor people. Panama City has much more of a “ghetto” atmosphere than other cities in central america, but at the same time it is extremely diverse and colorful. The nightlife is excellent, as well.

On Thursday I fly to Colombia. I`m very excited to get to a new continent. My only concern is that I wont be able to understand the language, but i think ill learn soon enough.

Keep it rockin, my friends.


3 Responses to “Disco Inferno”

  1. Travis Says:

    much love reedy were finally back at school. Write me a letter or something homie.

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Aaron Says:

    I admire your outlook on life, Dan. You have seen more than the average American sees in their lifetime, and you’re still set to do more. Enjoy the rest of your trip, man. I’ll be around somewhere, and we can trade stories, gearing up for the next adventure.


  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Zach Says:

    Another great song title! Another wonderful adventure! I wish I were travelling as well. You, me, and Aaron will definitely need to hang out at some point this summer. Also, most of those rules will apply to college as well, aside from the buying girls drinks.

    Paz y amor,

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. Amisha Says:

    I will drink slowly.
    >>>whhaaattever that is

    I won`t spend too much time around too many gay people.
    >>>i guess we can’t hang out

    I won`t lend money to ANYBODY, no matter what the situation. I`ve lost far too much money this way.
    >>>you are soooo jewish, but i understand

    Most importantly, I`ll do spontaneous things, because in the long run, these make the best stories.

    drop the A, and keep having fun!

    Love, Mish Mish

  8. Posted from United States United States
  9. Janine and John Says:

    Hey bro!! I don’t know if you remember us or not (the crazy kids from Seattle) but Janine was over here at my place watching a movie and we thought of you… (wondered what you were up to these days, what manner of debauchery you were involved in this week) and thought we’d drop you a line.

    Hope all is well out there Dan. Keep on keepin on… and remember, lifestyle or no, some of us are living vicariously through it. 😉

    Take it easy brother man… and ship me a bottle of Mescal when you get a chance! 😉 (just kidding… I’m like an old man now, it’d probably kill me. 🙂 )

    John & Janine!!

  10. Posted from United States United States

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