March 25th, 2006Hey all,
I have successfully made it to Morocco. Nothing too exciting to report as of yet, except for the ticket agent in Dakar who tried to tell me my ticket reservation wasnt vaild. Brief heartattack on my part; but after a strong talking to; he magically made it valid again; hmmm. We have been in Casablanca for a few hours and will leave for Marakesh tomorrow morning. Casablanca is one big huge city, kind of similiar to Madrid, but definitely more of a middle eastern feel. We tried to find this enormous mosque earlier, but were very unsuccessful. We got to see a little of the Moroccan countryside from the plane and taking the train into the city this morning, and it was really beautiful. I expected more of a desert, but everything was incredibly green and covered with these brilliant orange wildflowers.
I am excited to see what the rest of the country has to offer. Our route will take us from here to Marakesh, possibly in the atlas mountains, a daytrip to some waterfalls (I forget the name); essouria on the coast, up to El Jadida, and back to Casablanca.