18 Planes, 15 Trains, 29 Busses, 5 Ferries, 2 Sept Places, 3 Mini Busses, 2 Boats, 1 Camel…
August 13th, 2006That’s the grand total folks for what it took to get me around the world and back. So I’ve been home for just about a month now, and I’m finally getting to writing this sum up blog…wow, talk about a slacker. Props to those of you who actually read this, you’re awesome.
In any case, I figured to sum things up, I should make a list of sorts, a la let’s go picks. So, here we go.
Best Place to get Orange Juice for under 40 cents: Marrakech, Morroco, and it’s the best stuff you’ve ever tasted.
Most comfortable train ride: Bangkok to Chang Mai, Thailand.
Favorite Country on the Whole: Thailand. (But Spain will always have a special place in my heart.)
Best Hot Dog: Prague, Czech Republic
Best places to buy a million things for under a buck: Sunday night market, Chang Mai, Thailand.
Best place to freak out Emily by making her ride on a motor bike: Thailand!
Most Impressive Landscapes: New Zealand
Best place to drink sangria by the gallon in a stein: Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain.
Best Sangria: Toledo, Spain, Bar La Boveda
Coldest place for my feet: Fox Glacier, New Zealand
Favorite small town charm: Cesky Kromlov, Czech Republic
Best place to get harassed by slimy men: El Jadida, Morocco
Most amazing sunrise: Merzuga Dunes, Morocco
My favorite view: On the bluffs overlooking Toledo, Spain
Favorite Tourist Site: Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok, Thailand
Best Food Market: Djema el Fna, Central Medina Foodstalls, Marrakech, Morocco
Best place to eat the most amazing shrimp with your feet in sand overlooking the ocean: Ndor (sp?) Island, Senegal
Best Wine: Eger, Hungary
Best place to spot a mullet: Spain! It’s all about the fashion.
That’s all I can come up with for now. On a whole, this trip was the experience of a lifetime, and to date one of the most incredible things I’ve had the opportunity to do. I already feel like planning my next trip…on the list: Southeast Asia or South and Central America. And if I get my way, much more of Africa. Travel is something that has become a huge part of my heart and soul and has helped me figure out the person I am today. The people I have met and the incredible landscapes I have seen, from towering mountain tops and frozen glaciers to endless deserts and tropical beaches, never cease to inspire me.
A special thanks to Em for her endless patience with my indecisiveness and for being the best travel buddy a girl could ask for. You will always be my travel B.F.F.!! And another thanks to Alex for joining our little journey, all my love, thank you for always making me smile.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
“Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.” — Frank Herber
Persue your daydreams.