Scenes from Recoleta Cemetary
On the way to Recoleta, one of the many monuments
Looking down one of the pathways between the mausoleums of Recoleta
Details of a plaque
Cardinal on a statue
Fancy mausoleum
Looking down the pathway
The Duarte Family mausoleum, where Evita Peròn lies at rest
Plaque for Eva Peròn on the Duarte Family mausoleum
Angel sculpture
Bronze sculpture for a mausoleum. This one really stood out because the style is very different than most of the other sculptures (most are of a classic style)
Tags: Buenos Aires, Travel
July 31st, 2005 at 2:53 pm
so this is very weird, I have a shot from over 5 years ago when I was in BsAs EXACTLY the same as your angel sculpture shot. Really, it’s exactly the same angel framed exactly the same way!!!
July 31st, 2005 at 5:29 pm
Hey Lets!!! You´ll be happy to know that I learned how to ride a bike here!!! Yeah, I remember you and I couldn´t ride bikes (confessionals or something like that) 😉 I decided to take the risk, and rent a bike…very wobbly for about 10 minutes, then I got the hang of it…so fun! 🙂
July 31st, 2005 at 8:00 pm
so I’m the only one now? you traitor!
August 3rd, 2005 at 9:50 pm
I see dead people.
August 11th, 2005 at 10:15 am
not sure how this works ….just wanted to say hi and that I am sooooo very excted for you the trip sound like it’s going awsome.
every one from work says hi.
also I absolutly love this sculpture pic.
any way at work and have to go
I can’t wait to hear about all the adventures.
ps I leave for cal. and then Haiwii in a few day can’t wait!!!!!
August 11th, 2005 at 4:00 pm
Yay Sarah! have a good time in Hawaii!!! =)