Lindsay Olympics
How was the Lindsay Olmpics?
It was incredible. Everyone played the games and ate mermaid cake had bubbly and laughed and laughed and we kept on laughing into the night. Thank you to Juls, Sarah, Nicole and Lisa for all their time and hard work with setting up , baking cakes and doing my hair and decorations. I am very thankful to have such a great family of friends who work hard and play even harder. What a magical 30th. Thanks for all the phone calls as well. MOm and Dad, Sus, Brad and Clara and to all that couldn’t make it you were in my thoughts. Lisa is cutting a video so it will be released soon.
Some of my favorite highlights were:
Early moring Pedicures!
Brogans story about Lindsay
Sarahs modern dance
Casey’s cheerleading and moon walk
Erics version of my laugh
Everyones choice in my style( layered and colorful with headscarfs)
Julianna and Lisa doing the interview booth
The car ride to Uptown Billards
Uptown Billards
Nicole and I late night Sapphire where I for the first time in that resturant I did not get carded
The spirit of everyone for jumping in and having fun
Everyone sitting around with clown noses
All the children who slept and played on the floor
I love you all and had a wonderful month of celebrating my 30th birthday. I am thrilled to see what the future hold and I am glad to share it with all of you.
Lindsay Olympics was a huge success oh yes and the winners:
First: Nicole Lane
Second: Sarah Higgs
Third: Kate Kaufman
Love you all and let’s play again real soon.
Tags: Travel
Lindsay Lucas! I can’t believe it.
This is Dan Ray, we went to high school together. If you don’t remember, think Sierra Skate and Sylvia / Mickey “baby” duets (I’m pretty sure that happened).
Anyway, I can’t believe I came across this site, but I read a couple of entries and I’m pretty sure it’s you, so I just had to say HI!
I hope all is well and that you’re doing great,
– dan.