movie snacks
So I have this fun new job slinging cocktails at Newport Seafood Grill on 12th and Broadway NE. (Come see me) and last night I met this couple that had just come from the movie The Constant Gardner. I have not seen this film yet but thay were truly moved. Tears and all. But they shed some light on me about some movies snacks that I had never thought of.
Okay Carmel Corn: jolly time microwave popcorn, heat it up and then add milk duds to it and you get carmel corn. Can you imagine. Sticky, chewy and chocolate carmel buttery popcorn? So then the guy tells me that if you put a red vine with the popcorn it is heaven. I think I could vomit. Too much sugar, carmel in my teeth and butter in my veins. Blugh (that was my vomit)
Come see me and we can share more tips of snacks or what ever.
Tags: Life of Lulu
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