What I do
So – I get on the internet after a couple of weeks away, and after catching up on emails and news, I check up on the entertainment world (happy birthday to me…). I have my faves: ew.com, gofugyourself, cleolinda, aintitcoolnews, themoviebox, etc. I also check up on Garbage, Tori (she’s created blogs for the 4 archetype characters who sing on American Doll Posse, and I guess each was inspired by a Greek Goddess, and the new album is suppossedly highly political. Rock.)
Anyways, this just in, courtesy of cleolinda:
Edward Gorey’s Work is Finally Making it to
the Big Screen!

The tale in question is the rhyming couplet world of The Doubtful Guest, as adapted by Matthew Huffman. Originally published 50 years ago, it is about an uninvited creature who moves in with a family in a mansion, and is a terrible nuisance that tears pages from books and peels soles of white canvas shoes. To put a spin on things, after years in the house, he’s never asked to leave. Obviously, Henson’s Creature Shop is working to create the creature, and as Lisa Henson describes: “It’s hard to come up with a creature that you’ve never seen before in any medium, and he’s a unique little creation who is very appealing without being cute or cloying.” While it will be an animatronic, the creature will also get some CGI treatment. There is no word on cast as of yet, as it seems they’re focusing on creating the guest before they find the family it will torment. If you’re a Gorey fan, how do you feel about this being the tale to finally inspire a feature film?
Tags: Travel