BootsnAll Travel Network

“This is not a “Daily Show” skit; this is real life.”

I changed the date on my flight. I am now leaving NZ at 7:30pm on Dec 21st and arriving in SF at 10:45am on Dec 21st. I’m

I’m torn between 2 gyms and putting off the decision till next week when I can actually afford to join (choice; big, expensive gym with classes included v. small womens gym without classes included. If I did 1 yoga and 1 pilates a week for 12 weeks, the overall diff in price is only $70. The womens gym is about 4 blocks closer. Any thoughts?)

I got new work shoes on sale that are working brilliantly.

And in sad news; my laptop is being held captive by customs. The new ETA is not 2 hours ago, but thursday. And I’ve changed to get it delivered to my work (my boss is very nice to me). I can’t wait till its in my grubby little hands I can back everything up all over again and then I can STOP STRESSING about it.
Speaking of my laptop arriving (and thus my itunes) does anyone out there have a recommendation for a good bpm analyzer? Both the ones I’ve heard of (I think they’re called tangerine and beatunes) seem to be okay, but not great.
2 excellent tidbits from Jon Carroll (thanks to my mom and brother for passing these along); Illegal immigration and campaign lies and; “Oh please stop: The South Carolina Republican Party announced last week that it was going to move its presidential primary up to Jan. 19, 2008, which is eight months before the conventions and 11 months before the election. This in turn will cause New Hampshire, which by state law must hold the first-in-the-nation presidential primary, to push its primary to Jan. 8.

That would mean that Iowa, whose caucuses are traditionally held before New Hampshire’s primaries, would move its events even further forward, probably to sometime before Christmas. So candidates for the 2008 presidential election would get a first taste of victory or defeat in 2007.

South Carolina officials said they wanted to preserve their first-in-the-South status, which was threatened when Florida lawmakers voted to move their primary to Jan. 29. (That date is, if I am understanding this right, the same date as the South Carolina Democratic primary. I report, you figure it out.) Florida made its move in order to get ahead of a whole lot of other states, including California, which had rescheduled their primaries to Feb. 5.

This is not a “Daily Show” skit; this is real life.

It is said that the states want to get in on the action before the candidate is decided, so their opinions can be heard. This seems fabulously stupid, but who knows? Already candidates have been acting like candidates (evading, modifying, lying) since January 2007; these latest actions will mean that the official start of the bullbleep season will coincide with the beginning of the World Series a full year before the election.

Some say the problem with American politics is money; others say that it’s the lust for power. I say the problem with American politics is politics. Let’s have less of it. Let’s vote now! That would be exciting, and we’d have plenty of time for the recounts.”

In other good column news, I’ve been reading lots of my brother Ross’ writings, postings and musings. A couple of recent faves: “I’ll let you know about Maine. (I originally typed the abbreviation, but saying ‘I’ll let you know about ME’ seemed egotistical.)”

“If you go to a liberal arts college you may have some core [P.E.] requirement, but basically you can get away scott-free through four years without physical exersion.

(Aside: Who was Scott, and why do we wish to be free of him? Sources seem to disagree. One says that a ‘sceot’ was an English tax, so if you were able to avoid the taxman you were ‘sceot free’. The other is that the origin is ‘scotch’ which was a term for ‘scratch’, and so to get out without a scratch would be ‘scotch free’. Apparently there are no Scotts involved, and I apologize to any who may have read this and felt offended that people wanted to escape their presence. People still might want to escape Scott’s presence, but the catalyst for doing so will not be my writing, and likely instead will be the personal faults that Scott portrays in public. It’s okay, we all have them. We can’t all be perfect. Keep up the good work, Scott.)”

What a smart family I come from. 🙂

Indietits is back!! Dropbears (finally!). Here, here, and here. The last is the wikipedia reference.
Daily show visits Iraq. No, really.

A positive 3:10 to Yuma review.  And another one for Trick r Treat. Dylan Baker was at the History Boys the same night as Em and me (and Edward Hermann).

Trailers; I’m not there,  Cassandra’s Dream (Ewan McGregor, whose teeth seem to have backslid into Britishness since Moulin Rouge), Weirdsville.
From Cleolinda;

End Of Days: Today God’s Creatures Opened Up A Can Of Whup-Ass.

Cutest. Baby. Whale. Ever.

“Sen. Leahy lands role in Batman movie. “He’s done voice-overs on Batman cartoons, written the preface for a Batman book and had small roles in the last two Batman features. He said he will donate his earnings from the film to the Kellogg-Hubbard children’s library in Montpelier, where the senator got his first library card.” Awww. Seriously! He loves Batman! He loves books! He loves kids! AWWW.”

New Sweeney Todd pic. [You may have to click around a bit for it. I am so, so excited for this!!]

Elijah Wood and friends happy to inform you the drugs are working.

10 great summer movies that dial it down a notch. [Seen Becoming Jane and Death at a Funeral, want to see the Ten and am absolutely DESPERATE to see Sunshine].

musica; girl’s not grey – AFI, sweet sacrifice – evanescence, just like heaven – the Cure,  back to black – amy winehouse, vow – garbage


-2 responses to ““This is not a “Daily Show” skit; this is real life.””

  1. Karen says:

    I have another possibility! Since “Old Scratch” or “Scratch” used to be a nickname for the Devil (God knows why…sorry about the pun…), maybe “Getting off “scratch” free” meant avoiding the Devil.

    Sorta like saying, “Gesundheit” when you sneeze…

    Re: the gym, I think you should join the one that you’re most likely to go to.

    Do you have your laptop, yet?

  2. admin says:

    well – I posted again about the laptop. When I get it; there’ll be a whole entry going YAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m leaning towards the larger one. I’ll figure it out next week.