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Last night I dreamt you were dead

Saturday, August 18th, 2007

My laptop is in Honolulu!! Yay! My musica is on its way!!!

Speaking of music; should I wait to replace my ipod until I can afford a complete replacement (the new 30gig ones), or should I buy a little mini mp3 player that holds like 100 songs to hold me over for taking to the gym?
Wandering around town taking photos today (which I’ll be able to upload… from my laptop!).

We got a new roommate. She’s German, but she speaks Spanish, too! So we’ve got a lot of spanish going on around the house.
Saw Perfume last night. It wasn’t completely brilliant, but it was a really admirable job for a subject that most people said couldn’t be made into a film. Ben Whishaw gave a brilliant, nearly mute performance. He’s the reason the film works. The narration was occasionally stilted, although it gave the film sort of a feeling of a fable (and now everytime I hear voice-over I think, “…and God help you if you use voice-over in your work, my friends. God help you. That’s flaccid, sloppy writing. Any idiot can write a voice-over narration to explain the thoughts of a character.”- Brian Cox as Robert McKee in Adaptation). Jesus – Ben Whishaw was 24 – my age – when he appeared as Hamlet at the Old Vic. Holy shit. Overall, I enjoyed the film. Parts of it were really sensuous, especially the scene with the plum girl. Parts are really creepy – Tom Twyker did a good job (the original german trailer is still one of the creepiest trailers EVER). I do wish the part of the story when the girls were dying had drawn out a bit more (although it was already 2.5 hrs). I would love to smell the box set of perfumes that was created for the film.
Things to distract myself with till the laptop arrives:

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Thursday, August 16th, 2007

Work has been going well. I’m being trained by the leaving temp, who is a lovely girl, Jenn, from Glasgow. Our boss is Graham, who is really nice, but he will be leaving in a few weeks and is currently looking for a replacement. Then there’s Tash, the permanent trainer, and a few consultants who come in. So far, I’ve only met Craig and Shannon, but they’re both quite nice. The office is lovely (and how much do I feel like Pam, wearing sensible clothes and working reception?) and very laid back (we get a glass of wine on Friday afternoons). We’re all going out for dinner on Thursday for Jenn and Graham’s goodbyes. I’m already creating training manuals, setting up the classrooms, enrolling students in our software… etc. Pretty much I just need to get used to all the procedures, but at this point pretty much everything’s been explained. The office isn’t too busy (unlike Auckland). Honestly, I think it’ll be pretty easy going (knock on wood). I’m pretty thrilled with it.
This weekend; 2 film fest films (Perfume – finally! and Death at a Funeral!!), a couple DVDs, finishing Frankie Silver (she was just hung at lunchtime), trying out the gyms. Read the Dream Hunters (a Sandman spin off). The art is astoundingly gorgeous, and I cracked up when I got to the 2 men, whom I assumed were Cain and Abel. Anyways – I highly recommend it.
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Monday, August 13th, 2007
I got a job! I start as a receptionist for a computer training company on Thursday. I get 7 days training with the old temp. Yay! Work! And its right on cathedral square - SWEET. My roomies made me milanesas con ... [Continue reading this entry]