BootsnAll Travel Network


I realize I haven’t updated in a while – I’ve been working. But I have Sunday off, and will finally (finally) upload photos. Promise. I’ll expand this later – but basically, work is great. Love the people – got my name added to the till yesterday. Still waiting on my tax no. Went to the zoo with K. Trying really hard not to get sick. Working mostly. Here;s a travel quote:

“Travel itself is the easy part. On the whole, people find travel easier than they had expected. Most of the things they worry about don’t turn out to be problems. The difficult part of many trips is the preparation for travel, rather than anything that happens once you hit the road. For a lot of people, including myself, the most difficult step toward taking a big trip is deciding to it in the first place. Everything else is easy by comparison. You’ll make mistakes, but so what? Every traveler does. Don’t worry.

The biggest travel mistake you could make, in my opinion, would be not to travel around the world, at least once in your life, if you have the chance.” – Edward Hasbrouck

Oh! And I saw the Prestige. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thought there’d be a creepier ending (like in the trailer), but I absolutely loved it. Where the hell is Christian Bale’s oscar already? I heard he’s super good in that new indie with Freddy Rodriguez as the psycho war vet with PTSS (Is that the acronym?)


-11 responses to “Stuff”

  1. Karen says:

    Since you have Sunday off, I’ll call you. Love, Mama

  2. Ross says:

    PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    I sent you an email ’bout Casino Royale with my take on it.

  3. admin says:

    Thanks for the review Ross – I’ll share with Kristl and decide if we want to go.

    I have my phone around mom, but I’m going to a goodbye party for a coworker at 8pm (3pm for you), so I might not be able to talk then. But feel free to call late (up to 12pm here) and I’ll also try to call on Thanksgiving.

  4. Emily says:

    That is a great quotation. I am wishing that I could travel more right now. What they don’t tell you is that travel is the most addictive drug in the world