Oz tidbits
I’m at the airport – waiting for customs to open up (which gave me time for brekkie at least). A couple of things I forgot to mention earlier;
On the way up to Cape Trib, we got the Rolf Harris songbook, including “tie me kangaroo down, mate”
I did see a kid playing with a boomerang on a beach.
When we got into harbor from the reef, we passed a replica 3-mast boat, which I could swear was a Golden Hinde replica (I should know at this point). However, there was a bizarre amount of security around it, so I couldn’t get close. One tour operator told me it was from the US and in for repairs for a couple of days and that no one was allowed near it.
There was a giant, weathered Capt. Cook statue on the outskirts of Cairns.
Some other fish I saw that I forgot included a school of what I dubbed “halloween fish”which were black with a small dot of orange on the side and 1 dot of white on the tail. I also saw a red parrot fish, and a cleaner fish station (that was awesome).
11:20am flight to Auckland. Hit customs, go through to Christchurch. Get in about 8pm. Have a backpacker’s booked. Tomorrow: explore town, check out the apartment, visit the temp people WHO NEVER WROTE ME BACK, even though I emailed them twice. Sheesh. Then I’ll probably print out some customer service resumes and hit the bookstores/coffee shops. I figure I should try something new. 😉 I’ve always wanted to work in a bookstore…
Oh – and I am missing my ipod like a physical pain (am I an addict or what?) It’s always worst on travel days.
Oh – and – I met a girl from SF last night (ok – actually from San Mateo, but has lived in SF and is moving back there in a few months from Portland, OR). That was exciting. We were able to talk about how much we loved the city and how we can’t wait to have our first apartments there.
Tags: Travel
Did you tell her not to say that she was from SF unless she really was? 😉
If you want, I could get you an early Christmas present of an iPod. If you can’t wait until Christmas…
Good luck job hunting!
PS — I downloaded “Tie Me Kangaroo Down” from iTunes.
I thought about it, but decided to be nice. She had at least lived in the city briefly.
The ipod is a very tempting offer, thank you! But it’s very expensive (I think the 30gigs are going for 250 these days). Plus, you’d have to set it up, because you have my laptop. So I should probably just wait until I earn some money and whatnot. But thank you! I really appreciate it.
Tie me kangaroo down is sooo weird.
What’s even weirder than the song is that it was a HUGE hit in America when I was a kid. Sorta like “Sukiyaki”…which was even weirder, b/c some US record people re-named the song to the only Japanese word most Americans knew (in the days before sushi).
Or as Eddie says, “Do you people even KNOW that there are other countries?”