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Love Rinko Kikuchi’s dress, and even more her hair (see if you can see it from the back). Jodie Foster looks good. Like how she says how much she talks about how great the year was for American films to the UK channel.
J. Lo does NOT look good. Bad haircut, ugly dress. It looks like someone went nuts with a bedazzler.

Helen Mirren is looking awfully busty. Did she look that way for Gosford park? Getting lots of English actors -James MacAvoy, the Tony Blair guy.
Penelope Cruz looks nice, but her hair could be poufier. She still needs English lessons.

Leos looking tan – good but tan. Emily blunt’s hair is plastered to her head.  Celine dion cannot pick an oscar outfit to save her life. J. Hud is wearing something very shiny. Jessica biel looks good, but she clashes with the carpet. Actually – too much blush. I want to see Rachel Weisz’s dress. Wow the interviewer just called biel “you skinny later” Rachel Weisz looks amazing. I LOVE her necklace. Isla fisher looks good.

They showed Cameron Diaz next to Anika Noni Rose – who looks oh so much better, even in a very shiny dress.

Cate Blanchett looks GREAT. I think cruz is wearing is wearing a dress that’s been worn before.

Argh. The preshow is over. Not that many stars – clearly sky one is not deemed a very important channel. Lets switch over to the internet.  Jada Pinkett’s boobs are being smushed by that armor she is calling a dress. Awww – Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Rivera showed up together – although they’d both look better with a 1 day stubble than either the clean shaven or beard look. Portia DeRossi is looking slouchy.

From EW’s liveblog: Al Gore is speaking but all I’m hearing are Jennifer Hudson’s gold shoulder-wings in the background behind him.

Ooh – Alan Arkin got the spirit award and LMS got best film. They can’t count towards the votes for the oscars but maybe there is some guild overlap?


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