BootsnAll Travel Network

more oscars

I had another post – but the internet died as I was trying to see winslets dress, and I lost it all. *sigh* Kidman does have a shoulder monster, but she looks very column-esque.
I called Alan Arkin!!! And makeup and art direction (yay Pan’s labyrinth). i forget what I had down for sound… I think I got dreamgirls and missed iwo jima – but I may have reversed the categories.

Winslet’s is lovely. Paltrow’s is not. Breslin is very cute. Okay – I really like Eva Green, but she’s looking like elvira.

Oh yay! Happy feet won over cars. I didn’t pick it, but it certainly was th eone I wanted.
adapted screenplay (I can’t tell if these are whizzing by or if its the fact that I’m 2 seconds away from sleep): Departed! Yeah! Good night for me! I’m going to post now to save anything being lost again….


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