BootsnAll Travel Network

fun stuff

from cleolinda: Did rejection from James Franco drive Lindsay Lohan to rehab? If so, my respect for James Franco just tripled. I mean, and that’s before we even get to the rehab part.

Children of Men in Editing and Cinematography! Pirates vs. Poseidon and Superman for Effects! Apocalypto, Click, and Pan’s Labyrinth for Makeup, Prestige and Pirates for Art Direction, Illusionist and Prestige also in Cinematography, Marie Antoinette for Costume–dammit, three Dreamgirls songs? Are you kidding me?

Shit. We’re gonna have BeyoncĂ© sing all the nominated songs again, aren’t we?
Little Miss Sunshine takes the Producers Guild award!

this ain’t a scene its an arms race – fall out boy (yeah, I’m embarrassed)


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