BootsnAll Travel Network

So after writing yesterday, I went to Rathmines to visit the library and try to get the next in the Sandman series (its a long time coming). Then I found a small extra giftie for K at Oxfam books, and then I found an AWESOME bookstore, which had another of the Sandmans (why doesn’t the library have a complete series between all of its branches? What is the point of having just some??). Despite having gotten up early, I still didn’t have time to get everything done that I needed. C’est la vie. Work at least was really nice – John (O’Brien) was in a great mood and Orla was on and Gavin wasn’t. I meant to post some about my daily routines around here; you know small little things I’ve picked up about Dublin and bartending (we show rugby, soccer, and football, but never boxing – it gives guys the wrong idea late at night). BUT here it is Tuesday and I’m still trying to get everything done, so that post (and those photos – more on that in a sec) will have to wait.

Anyways after work I read Worlds end (awesome, awesome, awesome). Neil Gaiman is just insanely brilliant. I wish I could be that clever. Hell, I wish I were smart enough to pick up on half the literary allusions he makes. I’ve read Dracula how many times? And I never would have guessed that one of the ships’ names was the same unless Stephen King had told me so in the intro. *sigh* But anyways, I really enjoyed it.
This morning I slept in until H&A was on (I kid you not, I woke myself up in time for the start – how awful is that?). Went into town to check on K’s present (it is on its way) and go to the George’s St. Arcade. If I lived in Dublin I would only shop there – I found this store called Retro that was all stockings and corsets and rockabilly 50s dresses and they were all gorgeous. Luckily – I can’t really go clothes shopping. I was going to take photos, but then I realized my camera had turned itself on in my bag and run out of batteries. So I bought a camera bag for it instead. Ooh – and then I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang – really, really good. Robert Downey Jr is freaking awesome in it and I was constantly laughing out loud and scaring the Brazilians. Oh my god – SUCH an American – awesome, like a hot dog.
The Oscar race has started!! My fingers are just itching to make a spreadsheet with the results from LA, DC, NY, Boston, and the AFI. HOW am I going to properly follow the oscar race if I’m traveling? Clearly, I did not think this going around the world thing through properly.  I’d also like to note that AFI listed their top 10 shows of the year (have they done that before?) and I’d like to commend them on their inclusion of Dexter, The Office, and South Park. Of course, I’ll have to catch up on both the Office and Dexter on DVD next year, but oh well.

Okay – I have to get back to the apartment to clean and change for K’s concert tonight (a night off! I don’t know what to do with myself!). I will leave you with this email that Rachel sent out to the MPA-ESP list serve the other day:

Hey guys,

I just heard about this, and thought I would share the positive news, especially to my fellow TI folks who know just how difficult it is to get anything done in the conservation priority areas. Brazil has created a reserve in the Amazon that is bigger than England… 15 million hectares!


Jessica, if you are going there anytime soon don’t forget to hug an anteater for me.


I won’t be in Brazil just yet, but now I have a new goal in life: hugging an anteater. I could do it.

Never Here – Elastica


-2 responses to “”

  1. Karen Kinsel says:

    At least they can’t bite you….

  2. admin says:

    Neither can aye-ayes. That’s my goal for this trip. Hug an aye-aye.