Stratford, Shrewsbury, Nottingham
Monday, March 12th, 2007Oh so much to update on. And I’m in a scary gamer room, surrounded by pimply teenage boys with a keyboard that doesn’t like working if you aren’t something.
OK, so. Kristl dropped me at the airport, which sucked, because who knows when I’m going to see her again. I ryanair and am never flying with them again. Got to see huge crowds of people in green dearting for Edinburgh (rugby). Caught the train straight to Stratford, which took most of the night, and I stayed at a wonderful B&B (the charlton house?), where the lovely keeper left me a key under the mat, since I got in so late. There was one across the st. called the 12th night. Ba dum dum.
Next moring I had a lovely breakfast and set out to see the sights. The holy trinity church first, where Shakespeare is buried (under a curse of his own devising), along with members of his family. Then along the avon river which has lots of lovely park area and tons of swans. Saw a theater exhibition at the swan which had old production posters (found Ian McKellen, John Rhys-Davies, Toby Stephens (mom), Ralph Fiennes (mom again), Judi Dench, etc.), and some costumes, including John Gielgud and Derek Jacobi (!). Stopped by the brass rubbing center, which was kind of odd, but interesting, and the dirty duck pub where Dame Dench got engaged and has her own table, but it was too crowded, so I ended up at the Garrick (or something like that) for Ireland’s narrow victory over Scotland.
Next I went to the Stratford Butterfly farm, which is bar none the best value-for-money thing I’ve done traveling. It had a couple of wonderful aviary rooms, with tons of really interesting butterflies, a caterpillar room, an arachnid room (your basic assortment of scorpions and tarantulas – incl. a goliath and a pink toe, which they claimed to be very aggressive, which is interesting because princess at the SF Zoo was never a problem.) and an insect room with lots of large beetles, walking sticks, and mantids. And leaf cutter ants overhead. I had tons of fun, and stayed for a couple of hours.
Then I went to Halls croft, which is the home of the doctor John Hall, who married Susannah Shakespeare. Interesting; it had lots of medical records from the time.
Finally I went to see As you like it at the RSC, which was FABULOUS. I hadn’t ever seen it before, and the woman playing Rosalind was brilliant. A minimalist, whitewashed set, and heavy emhasis on all the gender reversals (Orlando had a pedicure, and there was lots of switching of hats and garments after the weddings).
Unfortunately at this point, I started to come down with a cold. Left the next morning for Shrewsbury, where I was forced to stay in a hotel, as there were no hostels around. It was TERRIBLE! Don’t ever, ever stay at the lion and pheasant. I could barely sleep on the mattress, as it was all broken, there was no overhead light, the cleaning lady came in twice in the morning, hours before check out, etc. etc. And it was the most expensive place I’ve stayed!
Anyways, went straight from check in to the abbey, and was there in time for evensong. The chapel was cool (and very historical), but all of the grounds had been developed and the chapel was the only part left. I had thought there was more of the abbey left. AND I couldn’t even find St. winifreds remains after the service. I went to see the Illusionist afterwards (there being Nothing else to do in Shrewsbury). It was good; I enjoyed the way it was filmed, and lord knows Edward Norton is fun to watch, even when he’s sitting there. But I have to say the twist at the end was pretty obvious. It was till enjoyable, though. However, the Prestige was more fun because the twist at the end was shocking (to me at least). In the restige, you know you have about 3 puzzles to figure out, and trying to figure out some kept me from guessing the final reveal. In the illusionist, there’s really only 1 plotline going, so it isn’t too difficult. (Possible spoiler: besides which, we all know the plot to Romeo and Juliet, folks. Which is still fun to watch – I’m just saying).
Came to Nottingham today, which I’m enjoying much more (despite my cold – I need more lemsip/airborne/zinc/sleep tonight). The galleries of Justice were closed today, so I might need to spend wed. morning here to see them. Saw Nottingham castle (really, more of the site of it – most of it is gone, but it was well-landscaped and had a nice Robin Hood statue), went to the oldest Inn in England (Ye olde trip to Jerusalem, stopping point for Richard’s crusaders, built into the castle cliff), saw some of the caves beneath the city (all man made, used for homes, a tannery, and air raid shelters in WWII, and oddly the entrance is in a modern shopping mall. Stopped in a very cute veggie cafe called the alley. Headed to N-something abbey (Lord Byron’s home) and Sherwood forest tomorrow. I’ll stop in the justice thing if I get back in time. Cant upload photos here – so it’ll be a while.
There should probably be more details here, but its a lot to remember (while I’m feeling pretty lightheaded) and my internet tme is almost up. I’ll expand later if I get the chance.
Having been raised by an anglophile, I’ve read/seen lots of things about the stealing of bobbie’s helmets (Brideshead and Jeeves and Wooster come to mind), but I always kind of dismissed it as the pastime of bored, rich youngsters. And then I saw them, and i swear to god they were made to be stolen. I can’t pass one without my palms positively itching. I wonder why they kept the design for so many years.
Wow. So there was a SINGLE test frame of watchmen hidden in the 300 trailer. Here: