Ok so there was really no shark attack but I got your attention didn’t I!! So we are on our second dive of the day and we are descending and what is right below us? You guessed it a shark. I am franticly trying to get down faster so I can have a better look, at this point I am maybe 6 meters above it. So I finally get down to maybe 2 meters above the darn thing and it swims off. In the mean time I am trying to signal to Jared and Brian (another DMT here) that I see a shark and for them to look down. It took them a bit but they finally joined my enthusiams of seeing the shark. About the shark it was a black tip reef shark maybe 3 meters long but man did it have a nice size body, nice and fat. Must have just had lunch, thanfully not a scuba diver! Well that was the highlight of my day. No whale sharks today sniff, sniff! Maybe another day. We also saw some big baracuda and all the normal stuff (angle fish, banner fish, grouper, jacks, travelly). Just another wonderful day in Koh Tao. But I would like the sun to come out soon. It is not raining today which is an improvement from the last 4 days but it would be nice to see some sun! I mean really I am on an island paradise, right? Ok enough complaining. I mean I am on a 2 year vacation, what is there to complain about.
We have already started our planning for our next adventure in a month when we finally leave this island. We will let you know where we are off to next when it gets closer. Tomorrow we are going on another Visa run and we have decided to stay over night in Chumpon so we can get some KFC. Ok Jared really wants Starbucks but we would have to go all the way to Bangkok for that so KFC will have to do for a taste of home!! He is quite upset about that. Maybe Nate, Malcolm, Jade or Jenna can go for us and tell us how it is! Or anybody really, it has been almost two months since our last fix!!!!
Tags: Thailand
I went to Starbucks yesterday and it was soooooo yummy! Venti Mocha Latte (1/2 mocha). I guess I can enjoy this little niceity as a tradeoff for having to work every day and be a slave to the man. I know it still doesn’t even compare to what you two are experiencing!
Went out with Jay and Kara on Friday and you guys were a topic of conversation. Glad to see all of the updates and adventures. I guess we can at least pretend to live vicariously through you two. Thanks for the dedication in keeping us updated, I check every day!
Be safe!!!
Oh that sounds so good!!! But I guess if you can’t shake away from the man, you can at least get Starbucks! 🙂 We miss you guys and talk about you as well (all good stuff)!
Thanks for checking in on us! It really is nice to be able to share our journey this way with everyone!
Give a big hug to my big teddy bear!
Hi guys,
We just found your blog a few days ago on BoobtsnAll and we have really enjoyed following your adventures at dive school. We are planning to take a year long excursion ourselves in a few years (need to save up some money first) and you’ve been an inspiration. We’re really looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!
Did you bring a laptop with you or are you using an internet cafe to post these entries. We have been debating what gear to bring with us, and a laptop is one item we would like to bring, but we’re wondering if it would be too much to lug around, and if you can even find internet connections anywhere.
Keep up the good work, you’ve even inspired us to give diving a shot! 😉
Brian and Amy – Lebanon, CT – U.S.A.