New Visa rules for Thailand!! Be aware!
As a lot of you may know, there was some issues in Thailand recently with the closure of the two airports in Bangkok. But what we found out is that a new rule took effect during this time of turmoil on Dec 2nd. Here is that story:
Maryanne and I just got back yesterday from a Visa run to Myanmar again to get an extension for another month so we can do the diving liveaboard. Wow what an adventure that is as it takes all day. We left here at 515am and didn’t get back till after 6pm. Thankfully we had a break for about an hour, but we are sore from being in a small van for over 9 hours of bumpy roads and break neck driving speeds. There really was no way to sleep on this bus thats for sure! But anyway the trip didn’t go as planned. Apparently last week the government changed the Visa rules (No one shared that information, didn’t see it in the paper, wasn’t told when we booked the Visa Run trip only found out when we came back in). You used to be able to get up to 3 30 day Visas before having to leave the country for 90 days for a regular visa on arrival. However now unless you fly into the country you can’t get a 30 day visa, so we only got a 15 day Visa good till the 21st as we entered on land! Now we are supposed to be getting on a sailboat on the 21st for 5 days of diving. So now instead we have to do this all over again in less than two weeks so we aren’t illegally in this country. There goes another day!! Ah well it is what it is, right! Thankfully it isn’t too expensive to do a Visa Run, it is about the cost of entry into most countries for a Visa. So for about $35 dollars each we get to take a long bus ride, then a ferry ride to go and get a 15 day visa. Still a little cheaper than flying out and back in once a month, but it sure is a pain in the butt as you lose two days a month doing it! So that was our lovely adventure yesterday! Traveling definitely isn’t always roses or a barrel of laughs!
So if you have to do this, it is good to bring snaks, drinks, a laptop to watch tv shows or a movie, a pillow, a blanket, ipod (mine died so no music for me) and a book. Unless you are like me and can’t read or watch a show without getting motion sickness.
Thought we might head to Karon beach today, but not sure as we are still a little drained from the trip. So another tip, don’t stay up late the night before thinking you can sleep on the bus! Get a good nights sleep and drink lots of water! Regardless if Manchester United is playing Sunderland and Wayne Rooney was starting after being out for the last game, just say no and go to bed!! You can always watch the highlights later! Although I am glad I watched the game, cause man was it intense! Felt like a proper brit, drinking pints, yelling and cheering loudly. The only thing missing was screaming at Sunderland fans and maybe getting into a fight with them (I would do that I am a lover not a fighter)! It was the most onesided game I have ever seen! The score didn’t reflect the game tho as it was only 1-0 in the end and Man United scored in the final minutes. I think the commentator said that Man had the ball for 85 percent of the game or maybe it was that the ball spent 85 percent of the time on Sunderland side of the field! It wasn’t till after 60 min did the Sunderland team even have a throw in on Man’s side of the field! Man’s own goal played more time at mid field than he did in the goalie box, how crazy is that! Alright I will stop talking about the game, I know Maryanne is tired of me yacking about it! 🙂
Tags: Thailand
Jared, Maryanne, I just read your whole blog. Wow, that took the whole night after work to do so. It is 11pm and think your journey is great and wish I could do something like that. I saw your photos from when you got to Bangkok and then latter, and you guys look great. Jared, I didn’t know your hair turn blond when you get a lot of sun, and both of you are much more fit in your photos than when you started. Good for both of you. I have enjoyed your blog. Take care.