Malaysia and the Perhentian Islands
Well what a sad time leaving Koh Tao, but it was time. Thank you so much Steve for coming to the pier to see us off, you are going to be missed!
After a nice long train ride from Chumpon to the Thai border, we had an interesting time trying to get a taxi to Kuala Busit. They wanted to charge us more than we wanted to pay but we had to do it in order to make the last ferry to the Perhentians at 5. Well not only did the taxi guys (Yes we had to take two taxis cause we had so much luggage!), they drove like mad to get us there in time, phoned ahead to hold the ferry and stopped so we could get money! What nice people in this country! Alright so we get to the ferry and the boat driver I think was trying to set a record for getting to the island. We so thought the speed boat was going to break. Word to the wise if you come here make sure you have a place booked. After getting our stuff on the beach, they ladies went off to find a place. After 4 places they were either booked, nasty, too expensive and one was okay. Well we checked a few more and nothing so went back to the one that was okay, but unfortunately one room was already taken 🙁 so Mark and Deb took that room and we took the expensive room. Well aside from us having AC and two big beds, paying three times what Mark and Deb paid, thier room was way nicer. Oh well the next morning we checked out the other side of the island which was a bit of a hike, but managed to find the Dive Center we wanted to dive with and some great cheap rooms! Oh I forgot to mention, our gear is heavy as hell. Not too bad when there is a road, but dragging it across the beach about killed me. I told Maryanne to only take one and that I could manage with my bag and both dive bags. I am so not 21 anymore, I about had a heart attack three times going the 500m down the beach!! Luckily we are on a quieter side of the island and I didn’t have to carry my bags too far. Although the steps up to our place on the hill is quiet a workout! We are so going to lose some weight here!
So we did one dive yesterday and man was it awesome! Rays, Giant Moray Eel, nudis, whip coral shrimp, one Bump Head parrot fish and just had a wonderful dive. Todays dives were just as good well most of them anyways. We did our first dive of the day in a bay and it was really nice. We say Scribble file fish, a giant moral eel, 2 box fish and a bunch other things… Next we went to a wreck the visablity was not so good and it had a current from hell. We saw some great stuff like big puffer fish, a lion fish, baby sharks and tons of Barracuda but the dive was really not the best. Fighting the current and having to stay close together was making me feel very closterphobic. But we ended the day great our last dive of the day was at a laguna and it was absolutely amazing… hump head parrot fish, Moral eels, 2 beautiful Turtles, cleaner shrimp, Clown fish, and so so much more it was a nice relaxing dive for 75 mins. Lets just say we are really enjoying the diving. Cant wait for tomorrow.
Tags: Malaysia
Jared, Be careful, I know your knees are not the best now days. I don’t know how heavy 2 diving sets are, but sounds heavy. Also, you said nudis. 🙂