How it all Began
Well this all began with my boyfriend (Jared) being bored at work one day. He came over to my cubical, which just happens to be right next to his and says, “Lets just take a year off and see the world.” I quickly responded with, “Sure lets do it.” Not exactly what he excepting me to say. I am the more sensible one of the family and from time to time I have to keep his feet on the ground. I am sure he thought I was going to find a reason for us not to go. But 6 months later I am still ready to go. We are going to start this adventure June 2008. Once you make a decision to take a year off, which quickly turned into a couple of years off work, it is hard not to think about it every day. We are absolutely hysterical about where life is going to take us. Although I have to keep telling Jared to stop bothering every person we meet or see and telling them all about our adventure. Although we are super excited about it, I don’t believe every person we meet on street quite has the same enthusiasm as we do.
Let me give you a little back ground on the both of us. Hi I am Maryanne, Jared and I are from the United States. Well at least in the sense that is what our passport says. We both left our home country for greater things. Not saying anything bad about the US, just saying we have chosen not to live there. There is so much to see in this world. And too many Americans get lost in the US and forget that there is a whole world out there.
Now what goes into planning a trip around the world? First off there is lots and lots of reading. I think we have about every book that Lonely Planet has ever written. Ok maybe not every book, but our library is pretty big. We have read lots of blogs of other people’s journeys. Thank you all for writing them. It was truly wonderful reading other people opinions and thoughts of taking a year off. It made us feel a lot more comfortable with our decision. Next comes, thinking about how you are going to fund this adventure. We have been saving for some years now. What we thought at first was going to be used for a new home and money for kids one day has now turned into our travel fund. We figured that we are going to get more out of this trip then any money in the bank is going to give us.
I look forward to writing more to you as our adventure gets closer.
Tags: How it all Began
Hi guys, Good for you. Like you I just decided one day that there was more to life than dealing with the working world. It took me a few years to put my plans into action, but I have no regrets. Like you ,it was difficult trying to contain my enthusiasm. Not everyone can or wants to share in your plans. It took a little while to realize that it was not necessary to justify my decision. My travels have taken me to Europe, Central America and South America , where I am now. I owe a lot to bootsnall for providing me with so much information. Sorry, I did not intend to talk about me so much. Anyway, Good luck and have a great time on your journey.
Hi Maryanne!
I’m glad my post on vaccinations was helpful to you. It was difficult to decide which jabs to get, but in the end we just had to weigh risk vs. cost. Which is kind of how I feel about the whole trip, except weighing experience vs. cost. That’s awesome that you two already had some savings to utilize. Two years! I’m so jealous! Have a great trip!
Hi Sweetie,
I am SO EXCITED for you guys to be fulfilling your dreams of traveling the US.
Keep us all posted. We will miss you!
Sorry girly… I mean traveling THE WORLD!!!!!! lol. I must’ve been sidetracked (I’m reading/homework) =) Love you sweetie,
Hi Maryanne & JarednrI wish you all the luck in the world- stay save and be careful. We will miss you both.And ofcourse I am Jealous, the things you will do… do.. WOW! I would say start packing, but I know Jared is already packed and ready to go. Be careful..
Jared and Maryanne – What a wonderful blog site. I sure enjoyed reading about all of the great ideas the two of you have come up with. Now all I have to do is figure when I can get Dad to someplace where we can visit you during your travels.
Not to mention that we are both so proud of you. Carpe Diem !!!
We’re with you all the way and certainly look forward to seeing you next week. Whoopie!!
Hugs, Mom D
…I know you guys are really excited, and I’m happy for you of course…..however, WE REALLY MISS YOU ALREADY AND YOU’RE ONLY ON HOLIDAY FOR A MONTH THIS TIME, have you no heart? :(‘
….see you soon sweeties xxx 🙂
Hi Aunt Mary and Uncle Jared-
We have been sad since you left today; we love you a lot. Feel free to send cookies from Asia…no bugs though.