98 Days until we leave
Well First off I have to say I live in a great country (Qatar). Jared and I just got all my Vaccines and you will never believe how much they cost me…….. 10 QR that is a little over 3 dollars. I know this may not seem like a big deal to some of you but I have heard of people spending $1000 on these things.
So what else have we been up too since I last wrote. We are getting very excited about going home to Orlando and Pensacola Florida to visit our family and friends before we leave again to travel. All I can say is, we have a great support group at home with all the traveling and out of country living me and Jared do. It is shocking anyone in the states still talk to us. We love you guys!
This weekend we went on a QIA (Qatar International Adventure) trip to Inland sea. We have living in Qatar for over 4 years now and it was our first trip to Inland sea. It was absolutely beautiful although the weather was not the best, very windy. We still enjoyed ourselves and managed to get a bit of sunburn, darn wind I did not even feel it coming. Our tour guide was a really good driver and we had a blast riding on the dunes. For those of you that wish to come to the Middle East riding on the dunes is a must.
Tags: Countdown
Hey i’m looking forward to reading about your upcomming adventure. You guys are an inspiration! 😀
Oh where can I go to find out about riding the dunes with QIA?
Below is a website that has all there information. The trip was great. And they have a nice beach area all set up for lunch. They even do over night trips. Well worth it.
Thank you for the great tip, i recently came across your blog and have been reading along.. What you wrote is great advice any way that you look at it.