Happy Thanksgiving one and all!!!
We were so worried we would miss out on having Thanksgiving dinner, but luckily found a place here in Phuket that served a Turkey Dinner! So lucky us, we walked down to the place earlier in the day to find out when it started. Man we had to wait till 6pm! So as to make sure we got there before the crowds, we headed over there at 530. Well we were certainly the first ones there. Of course just like at home, dinner wasn’t right on time… So when the owner told us 5 min, no worries, 8 min later the power went out. So they light some candles and we had to wait another 20 min, oh the wait was killing me! Especially when I found out they had Sweat Potato Pie with whip cream on the menu! Oh happy day!! Well the lights finally came back on and the food was served! well I am so thankfully that they made dinner for us, however it appears they might have misunderstood who the piligrams shared a meal with. It seems they believe it was the mexicans and not the indians 🙂 Nothing like tacos, enchiladas and chili to go with turkey, stuffing, mash potato’s, gravy, cranberry sauce and sweat potato pies. Okay none the less the food was fantastic, there was even sausage in the stuffing! Not as good as yours mom, but one of the better meals. Except the sweat potato pie was not that good. Still it beat not having Thanksgiving dinner at all. So now we are stuffed up to our eye balls, the only thing that would make this right is watching a football game right now! So I might have to wake up early in the morning to catch a game! Ah the joys of living overseas, you sure do miss a lot! We did miss being with friends and family during Thanksgiving, it wasn’t quite the same. We miss you all and hope you are enjoying the day, even if you experience it differently (Our Qatar friends!) And to the rest of our American readers, have a wonderful day!
Tags: Thailand
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