And We Are Off!!!!
Well after some teary goodbyes and calling home to friends we are leaving to the airport in 1 hour!!! I can’t believe it is that time already. Time seemed to pass us by just a little to fast. We are really going to miss all of you very very much. You all have to come visit us from time to time. There is no excuses all of you have a vacation to kill somewhere, so might as well be with us. 🙂
On the other side of that we are really excited about starting our adventure to the great unknown. It is going to be hard not having a job. And maybe I might go a bit insane while we are out and about. Who knows. Jared is going to be there to take care of me right. Jared told me the other day that if anything were to happen to him on this trip that I must immeditaly go to the airport and go home cuz I could not do it with out him. Well I think there might be some truth to that. I think I would wander off in the woods somewhere and get lost with out him. It is a good thing we are going together, right. I hope I bring something to this relationship!!! 🙂
Tags: Countdown
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