The TEFL Job Interview
Monday, January 8th, 2007I wrote this article in 2004 and it was graciously hosted by
So, here it is again for a new audience, with some notes provided by on Tips for Getting Through Your TEFL Course.
Latin America – The Job Interview – by Guy Courchesne
Published in the ESL / EFL JobFinder – 02/17/2004
Congratulations! You just finished your EFL teacher training, those grueling four weeks of sweating over coming up with interesting ideas for classes, of pouring over page after page of Behaviorist vs. Cognitivist theory, of juggling type IV conditionals.
Well you’re all done. So what’s next? All this time, you’ve been dreaming about what wonderful new things you’ll see and do in Santiago de Chile, in Buenos Aires, in San Miguel de Allende. You’ve also been worrying about apartments, about plane tickets, about work permits, but the most important event has yet to come: the job interview.