BootsnAll Travel Network

The Mexican Cop on a Diet

Amusing tale from the BBC..


Heavyweight police officers in one Mexican city could soon be offered cash bonuses if they slim down.

A diet of fizzy drinks, tacos and sweets is weighing down crime fighters and leaving criminals on the run.

Authorities in Aguascalientes want to offer 100 pesos ($9) for every kilo shed by their portly policemen.

About a quarter of the city’s 1,600-strong force are reported to be overweight. Doctors would decide how much weight each needed to lose.

“We do have some fat officers. We have been encouraging them for a while to lose weight, to be more agile, to do sport,” a police spokesman told Reuters.

Mexico City once pulled the entire motorcycle cop force of some 700 officers off the roads for diet and exercise, after weeks of ridicule in the media.  These officers used to ride Harley Davidsons, and with the light brown on gold uniforms, they always reminded me of CHiPs (70’s and 80’s American TV show, if you’re unfamiliar).


However, few of these guys bore the trim figure of an Eric Estrada and were frequently featured in city newspapers at local taco stands, or having a hard time staying aloft on the police bike.

fat mexican

Nowadays, Mexico City police have returned to motorcycles, and increasingly, bicycles.  Now there’s a better way to keep in shape.

mexico bike cop

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One response to “The Mexican Cop on a Diet”

  1. […] In other police news, Mexico City (which has been weeding out fat coppers for the last couple of years) dedicated a new building today that probably won’t be on anyone’s tourist itinerary: a state of the art CSI lab and morgue. The 157.5 peso facility — besides all the cool CSI stuff and a genetics lab — has space for 150 guests at a time. In a disaster, the facility has can store up to 250 cadavers. As long as they aren’t fat cops from Aguascalientes, I suppose. […]

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